Anonymous ID: e770de Oct. 16, 2018, 7:32 a.m. No.3495928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep Pockets Deep Cover - The UAE Is paying Ex-CIA officers to build a spy empire in the Gulf


At the same time Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman was beginning his arrest of traitorous royal Saudi family members working for “The Academy”, UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed suddenly approved the sale of to global tech giant Amazon that’s owned by the world’s richest man Jeff Bezos. is the largest e-commerce platform in the Arab world and is now partnered with Amazon’s “secret cloud service” operation for the CIA. Bezos owns the Washington Post whose writers have already convicted MBS of ordering the murder of their journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


In the tense political climate existing in these Gulf State monarchies that has yet to see a resolution between Saudi Arabia and the UAE over their border. The Saudis preparing to dig a canal around Qatar to turn it into an island. The introduction into this highly volatile region of Deep State operatives and anti-Trump politics is a fuse no one of sane mind would ever contemplate lighting because of the global catastrophe that would follow in its explosive wake.


Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman forging ahead to remake Saudi Arabia by adopting Western standards of commerce and modern social life, while being backed by both President Trump and Israel to accomplish his modernization goals has proved to be a grave threat to all of the other Gulf State monarchies who see that their time on the world stage is fast coming to an end.


During the just completed Crown Prince Camel Race Festival—the world’s largest camel sporting event having over 11,000 camels participating in 787 rounds of competition; Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman addressed all of his fellow Gulf State monarchy leaders. MBS telling them directly that unless they modernized their regimes and societies, none of them would survive the next 20 years.


This angered UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed who was already claiming that MBS had cheated his prized camel racing team from winning the coveted “Golden Sword” award. In the Arab world this award is the most highly prized and coveted award any nation can receive, and in the past has caused too many wars to write about in even one book.


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This is so obvious, the DeepState actors in the UAE, CIA, Jeff Bezos, etc have setup Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Their goal is to destroy the allied relationship between MBS, Trump and Israel. Just watch the complicent media, they already have Saudi Arabia guilty of murder and President Trump will be their next target. This could potentionally affect the mid-term elections because so many sheep believe the lying treasonous media. I already noticed Lindsay Graham this morning has MBS guilty and wants to punish them now. He is still a snake in the swamp. Every democrat will be using this for campaign propaganda.