Anonymous ID: 1c2446 Oct. 16, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.3496541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6833

For all the Male Anons looking for dating site love


Dating Site Message Decoding for Men above 60




I am a spiritual woman I am a complete pagan, right down to the crystals and spirit catchers


Athletic build Gym Rat – Wants a weightlifter with a 140 IQ – Not happening!


I like to do for others Low self-esteem, will shy away from private times together


I love animals No one judges me. My house stinks like pet shit and I can have that 9th kitten


Grandkids important I babysit all the time cause the grandkids don’t judge me as neurotic


I love to travel You had better have $40K per year for my whimsical travel requirements


Financially secure Looted the last 2 husbands or they died with significant insurance in place


Beautiful Home Same as above, but now it has smelly girl stuff just about everywhere


Handyman is nice Expect the honeydoo lists to exclude cars, football and sex permanently


Personal away time I still need to bang that married guy in the next town


Girl Time Same as above but it’s a gangbang and she’s the star


Healthy You had better last 15 years cause my looks are not going to


Funny I most definitely need someone to laugh at


Peaceful No guns, no knives, no bows, no fists, cause the last one had all 4


Easygoing A total wimp, AKA Harvey Milquetoast


Loves long drives So I can talk until you disappear into the woods for peace and quiet


Neat and clean No drawers on the floor, and you ain’t gonna soil her plumbing anytime soon


Thoughtful Spend a pile on flowers, candy, jewelry and treats even if she farts


Genuine So I can be certain you aren’t banging anyone at the club, at church or at Yoga


Trustworthy Stronger version of Genuine, or your ass is grass

Anonymous ID: 1c2446 Oct. 16, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3496598   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not only did POTUS get a refund, her pimp will probably get disbarred at some point in the near future, probably just after he declares for the 2020 election cycle!