Thinking about game theory and sun tzu.
Gen Flynn said he has an army of digital warriors. US. But how can you fight a battle if the enemy is able to prevent you from getting to the field of battle (twitter, fb bans)?
We shouldnt be letting our adversaries determine the field of battle. WE need to determine where the battle should be fought. We have been dealing with the twitter and fb bans and fighting through it. The reddit battle field was unfortunately lost and voat has proven to be an ineffective location to wage an information war. Twitter is obviously hilarious and the salt mines are flowing withthe tears of those offended by the NPC meme. We should continue along those lines but expand on other battlefields.
So where else can we go that is effective in reaching normies? What other battlefields are available? What other platforms can we utilize that would be effective in creating a positive effect for the movement?
Some ideas:
-Comment sections in different news organizations. I believe we under utilize that system as it is usualy over ran with leftist bots in the comment section, if the news organization even allows comments. Utilizing the NPC meme there (pretending to be a leftist) can quickly expose the hypocrosy of these bots and paid commentators. There should be plenty of salt to mine there, and would expose plenty of people who do not frequent other forums to the idea that the left brainwashes people.
Instagram and snapchat: not certain on how to effectivly utilize those systems, but the people here are smart and im certain that brainstorming, we could figure it out. Maybe in the lines of the old vines?
Comment sections in yelp and other "normie" apps that dont focus on political ideas, mocking leftist establishments, or exposing them on their home turf may expose self proclaimed leftists to different ideas. And as we know, they are sheep and if they can be exposed as such, it might be the trigger to break them free of cognitive dissonance.
Open to other ideas, but looking for ideas on expanding the battlefields to new and more fertile fields.