Anonymous ID: 82249f Oct. 16, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.3496800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6819

Came here to see Horsefacepalooza, not disappointed.


Am personally damn thrilled to see Thomas Paine throwing the Bushes under the bus. Screw them. Old man Bush bought that plantation in Paraguay on top of the largest freshwater aquifer in the world. They can all go down there and drown in it.


POTUS can declassify the patents that likely exist for desalinization tech, and we're good to go. The Bushes belong in Gitmo.


"Why Paraguay?


The US-Paraguay Extradition treaty has a denial loophole under Article IV if the offense is political. Plus immunity from national and International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction by Paraguay forced on them through threatened withdrawal of loan monies."


In such a remote and inhospitable location with only dirt tracks for roads for a world leader to maintain communications with his network the first thing you would need is military grade communications.

Notice the two Round Planar Radom's pointing directly up into space. One for uplink the other for downlink for continuous asynchronous communications.


What is their Longitude : 61 degrees West.


What Geostationary Satellite sits on this Longitude?


The Hispasat Geostationary Satellite whose Orbit is fixed at 61 degrees West


What mysterious international class airport that no planes ever seem to fly in or out off sits on this same longitude some 250 kilometres due south.


Mariscal Estigarribia Airbase built with US loan money, it has a runway longer than the main runway at Asuncion the capital of Paraguay. No planes are ever seen on flightracker software flying in or out of Mariscal Estigarribia Airbase (airport code ESG). It lies under the main flight path from the Eastern Sates of USA to Buenos Aires and Montevideo.


Where is the closest light plane air field.


1.5 kilometres away at the HQ of the 5th Paraguayan Infrantry Division in the military town of Mayor Pablo Lagerenza, part of the 3rd Corps of the Paraguayan Army that has its HQ at Mariscal Estigarribia.


At the light aircraft air port a war memorial that celebrates the ancestors of the that fought in the Chaco War features a lone soldier and a (Dutch) lion looking behind him on a tall stepped cenotaph. The Chaco War that Paraguay won was a devastating war for both nations. The origin of the war is commonly attributed in Latin America to a conflict between the oil companies Royal Dutch Shell backing Paraguay and Standard Oil supporting Bolivia. The US secret service agencies have a long history in this area, and GWB had all the files.


A helicopter could also land on the cleared quadrangle at the front entrance to the ranch besides which sits what looks like a radio beacon.

Anonymous ID: 82249f Oct. 16, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.3496819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6832



Property Changes since the Bush Purchase


Comparing the Google Earth images ranging from 2003 to April 2006 to the satelite images from zoom Earth 2017 images (HW Bush purchased it in November 2006) we see a major change to the front entrance of this huge building complex that resembles a flying condor. (Recall Plan Condor the beginning of the modern missing children child trafficking epidemic administered by HWB when he was CIA Director).


Four huge white columns with a cross beam have been added two forward, two set back to make the entrance more presidential. The Layout mimics the US white house with a central building joined by two with enclosed 3.5 metre wide x 40 meter corridors to other longer buildings to the East and West. The main structures look double storey compared to the rear garage single storey shadow line. The total area under roof excluding walkways and garage is 3176 square metres. Assuming a rough building cost of 5 Star accommodation at $3,150 per metre in todays dollar's we are talking a minimum above ground building cost of $10,000,000 USD. Think of that next time you snort a line of coke, you helped pay for it! Completely black budget financed.


Off course Q's team know all about it and would have all the details down to the number of Cat 6 cable connections in each room. It would be nice to see the high res spy satellite images compared to the grainy public images we have to work with.

Anonymous ID: 82249f Oct. 16, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3496832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6931


Underground Facilities


The land surrounding the site shows ground disturbance even in the latest images of a relatively shallow 1st level probably done that way for speed of construction.


Link to Close Up View


I have only done a very preliminary remote view as scanning high tech satanic facilities like this structure, CERN and Denver Airport is a very traumatic and draining experience. As they say "Stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back at you!". The deeper you go the spookier it gets.


I see a a relatively small "race track" design particle accelerator at the end of the Western building within the inner security area. A race track style particle accelerator is a simpler design than CERN it separates the electrostatic acceleration circuit the strait section from the containment or bending magnetic circuit structures. The relatively small size compared to CERN had me puzzled for a moment what would a University Physics Department sized machine be used for?


Then it hit me I recalled the Bob Lazar disclosure about Area 51 and the power source they back engineered from downed ET craft. The power source is anti-matter. in his disclosure they use a wedge shaped piece of a transuranic element known as element 115 now called Moscovium. When you bombard it with a stream of protons (hydrogen nuclei) at a specific energy Element 115 transmutes to element 116 then almost instantaneously decays back to element 115 by emitting a particle of anti-matter which is allowed to interact with a gas to produce pure electromagnetic energy. Two equal masses of matter and antimatter completely annihilate each other releasing 100% electro-magnetic energy which is used in another device that creates an anti-gravity cloaking field.


Forget about the anti-gravity part for the purpose of this thread, a steady source of a stream of antimatter is a major energy source that is 100% efficient compared to Fission or even Fusion in which a miniscule fraction of matter is converted to energy.


What use would it be?


Well apart from limitless free energy, think of the movie "Angels and Demons" where an Illuminati agent threatens to destroy the Vatican City State using the antimatter as a bomb. The only fictional part was painting the Vatican as being the good guys. An antimatter bomb would be the ultimate atomic bomb, think the biggest Thermonuclear bomb they have in a brief case, with a power source that must keep the anti-matter completely isolated from any interaction with matter.


Yeah I know this thread is getting too long and starting to read like a Dan Brown Novel but were're nearly there.


The race track synchrotron at the Lagerenza Ranch has two beams of opposite travelling particle beams one matter one antimatter of the same particle mass but opposite electric charge at specific times the beams are crossed at specific points on the race track, releasing a burst of energy that can used, at lower particle quantity bunches you could power a facility at higher levels you could open a portal to another dimension (Have a meeting with a Dark Reptilian inter-dimensional being, maybe be even Satan himself) at even higher energies you could teleport to another star system or time by phase change of the synchrotron radiation. I don't think the wheel chair bound corpse HWB could make the jump, you have to be fit to strap into those devices.

Anonymous ID: 82249f Oct. 16, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3496931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952



There's so much more. Skull & Bones OSS CIA Poppy Bush is as evil as it gets. JFKjr knew. Jacqueline Bouvier knew.


Anons, remember how in the dark we all were before we started digging.


We know for a fact that hundreds of Nazis, at the officer/executive level, escaped to South America. They lived long enough to set up and help a new Nazi empire to grow and flourish.


"U.S. Special Forces began arriving this past summer at Paraguay's Mariscal Estigarribia air base, a sprawling complex built in 1982 during the reign of dictator Alfredo Stroessner. Argentinean journalists who got a peek at the place say the airfield can handle B-52 bombers and Galaxy C-5 cargo planes. It also has a huge radar system, vast hangers, and can house up to 16,000 troops. The air base is larger than the international airport at the capital city, Asuncion .


Some 500 special forces arrived July 1 for a three-month counterterrorism training exercise, code named Operation Commando Force 6.


Paraguayan denials that Mariscal Estigarribia is now a U.S. base have met with considerable skepticism by Brazil and Argentina . There is a disturbing resemblance between U.S. denials about Mariscal Estigarribia, and similar disclaimers made by the Pentagon about Eloy Alfaro airbase in Manta , Ecuador . The United States claimed the Manta base was a “dirt strip” used for weather surveillance. When local journalists revealed its size, however, the United States admitted the base harbored thousands of mercenaries and hundreds of U.S. troops, and Washington had signed a 10-year basing agreement with Ecuador .


The Eloy Alfaro base is used to rotate U.S. troops in and out of Columbia, and to house an immense network of private corporations who do most of the military's dirty work in Columbia. According to the Miami Herald , U.S. mercenaries armed with M-16s have gotten into fire fights with guerrillas in southern Columbia, and American civilians working for Air Scan International of Florida called in air strikes that killed 19 civilians and wounded 25 others in the town of Santo Domingo.


The base is crawling with U.S. civilians—many of them retired military—working for Military Professional Resources Inc., Virginia Electronics, DynCorp, Lockheed Martin (the world's largest arms maker), Northrop Grumman, TRW, and dozens of others."