Anonymous ID: 2568d0 Oct. 16, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.3497333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7443

>be this anon



>reddit is distant past

>visit reddit out of boredom

>notice /r/all isn't as political as it use to be

>first political post is shareblue crying for young 18year olds fresh out of NPC programming to start voting since older generations vote way more frequently

>notice NPC's learn a new big word and the programmer uses this to push their message and peak curiosity

Gerontocracy! Purge them voter rolls of dead voters! DOITQ

NPC's also posted meme about Trump betting Warren before a debate. Sorted by controversial comments has always been a trip when ShareBlue gets BTFO!

>PC the test says she is mexican & peruvian, not Cherokee like SHE CLAIMED to get a job at NPC program School