>"Hello my fellow anons, don't you agree Drumpf should tone it down a bit?"
No, the Same 5 or so Biden memes get spammed in every Qresearch thread while there are plenty of new NPC memes being made every day.
Suddenly I feel like we're back in Primary season with this Jeff Flake/John Kasich-esque "muh Drumphf has no chance with that kind of rhetoric."
I'm going to act like you're not a shill and are just naive and haven't learned the lessons of POTUS's journey: POTUS is successful because he's not a milquetoast coward constantly on defense, and he doesn't cave to the Left's tone policing. When a Republican caves and appeases a group who will continue to hate him regardless of what he does, all it does is make him look weak to the "on the fence" crowd, not "classy," or "decent."
Picture related.
All you have to know is that she had no problem denying her own people supplies to make DRUMPH look bad, all while somehow getting custom-made t-shirts to wear on her CNN interviews.