Anonymous ID: c7063c Oct. 16, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.3501108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138 >>1142 >>1163 >>1227







It took seven minutes for Jamal Khashoggi to die,

>a Turkish source who has listened in full to an audio recording of the Saudi journalist's last moments told Middle East Eye.


Khashoggi was dragged from the Consul General’s office at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and onto the table of his study next door, the Turkish source said.


Horrendous screams were then heard by a witness downstairs, the source said.


"The consul himself was taken out of the room. There was no attempt to interrogate him. They had come to kill him,” the source told MEE.


The screaming stopped when Khashoggi - who was last seen entering the Saudi consulate on 2 October - was injected with an as yet unknown substance.


Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, who has been identified as the head of forensic evidence in the Saudi general security department, was one of the 15-member squad who arrived in Ankara earlier that day on a private jet.


Tubaigy began to cut Khashoggi’s body up on a table in the study while he was still alive, the Turkish source said.


The killing took seven minutes, the source said.


As he started to dismember the body, Tubaigy put on earphones and listened to music. He advised other members of the squad to do the same.


“When I do this job, I listen to music. You should do [that] too,” Tubaigy was recorded as saying, the source told MEE.


<A three-minute version of the audio tape has been given to Turkish newspaper Sabah, but they have yet to release it.





Why not inject right away, why push on desk and get screams?

Why cut body after injection? To be brutal? No more screaming → brutality not fealed by K.

Why not kill him OUTSIDE THE EMBASSY?

Why not kill him OUTSIDE THE EMBASSY?

And most important: Why not kill him OUTSIDE THE EMBASSY?



1) detained by saudis for 911 etc. Telling names right now.

2) optics: just as remove of many russian/us diplomats back then, it enables potus moves to untie the globalists world.


Q #70


>Martial law declared in SA.

>Why is this relevant?

>How much money was donated to CF by SA?

>How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA?

>How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation?

>How much money was donated to CS by SA?

>What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)?

>Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS?

>Who is good?

<What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)?

<What information might be gained by these detainees?

<Why is this important?

<SA -→ US

[Intel sharing!!]

>What force is actively deployed in SA?


Anonymous ID: c7063c Oct. 16, 2018, 4:18 p.m. No.3501191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thisnscenario is needed for optics.

It helps break the ties of globalism.

Potus can move now against cabal which is still powerfull globally and in SA, despite new leadership.


The ines who know he is alive are for sure not pressing for release. Maybe he will spend to his death in comfy SA gitmo or….gitmo.

Anonymous ID: c7063c Oct. 16, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.3501233   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Does namefag shill realize IDs change?

I mean, he is on the chans since the 60s and definitly a oldfagveretan…but refers to an anons' id from lb…..kek