Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.3502056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2126 >>2147 >>2181

EXCLUSIVE – Terrence Williams Blasts Democrats: ‘I Come From the Ghetto, I Don’t Play A Victim,’ ‘This is America – We Have Opportunities’


Democrats are intent on keeping people victims and manipulating Americans to “stay at the bottom,” but the reality is we can all achieve the American dream, argues comedian and political commentator Terrence Williams.


Speaking to the Gateway Pundit at Diamond and Silk’s movie premier “Dummycrats,” Terrance Williams argued the black community and minorities have overwhelmingly voted Democrat for decades because the manipulative party “preys on the poor.”


“The Democrats are master manipulators. They know what they are doing when it comes to manipulating people and lying to people. The Democrats are smart. I’m not saying that they are smart in a good way, but they are smart because you have to be smart in order to manipulate people. You have got to be smart to have people believing in lies,” he said. “What they do is they prey on poor people and they offer them free stuff – It cost taxpayers a whole lot of money in order for these people to get free stuff. But that’s how the Democrats get people. They prey on the poor. A lot of people that support them, a lot of them are poor people.


Despite growing up in foster care, Williams said he refuses to succumb to the Democrats’ propaganda of victimization.


“I come from the ghetto. My mother had nine kids – six different fathers – and she was on crack cocaine. I grew up with a mother that was on drugs, with nine kids – a single mother – with nine kids, on drugs, and she got her rights taken away because of her drug addiction. If you want to talk about the ghetto, if you want to talk about the black community, then you need to talk to me because I was in it, I know about the ghetto. I come from that,” he explained. “I can say, ‘I’ve been in foster care, I don’t have a mommy or daddy,’ – I can play that game. But I don’t play a victim because this is America and we have opportunities. We can overcome things.”


“We can come from the bottom to the top. But these Dummycrats, they would tell me ‘Terrence, you don’t have to do that. You were in foster care, Terrence. Your momma was on crack. Do you know you can get government assistance? You know you don’t have to work?’ I have siblings that don’t work and they don’t have to work because of the way they grew up. People told them, ‘apply for this and you can live off this for the rest of your life.’ But I don’t play the victim, because this is America and you can come from the bottom to the top. There are so many opportunities.”


Many Americans have been reluctant to reveal that they are conservative out of fear of being marginalized or called racist, but President Trump is changing the culture, Williams argued.


“The thing is that conservatives – for a long time people have been on the down-low. Usually when you think of the ‘downlow’ you are thinking of people who are homosexual who are the down-low, but people have been on the down-low about being conservative because they have been judged, and talked about and they have been called a racist,” said. “But now, since we have a president and we have people like Diamond and Silk, and people like me that speak out – it’s encouraging people to come out and share their views and their opinions. People are being themselves more than ever because we have a president that is real and that is being himself.


“There’s a cultural change going on. Now its time for conservatives to stand up and speak their mind. Be themselves and support what you support, because we will not let these Dummycrats take over the world – not over America. “


Republicans have always been, “pro-black,” Williams argued.


“They fought to end slavery. The Democrats wanted to keep it alive. They wanted my uncle Preston, my grandpa Cleon back in slavery. They didn’t want them to be free. But the Republicans fought for the freedom of people because we are all people at the end of the day,” he said. “Everybody was looking at color, but my granddaddy Abraham Lincoln, he didn’t see color. We are all people, we all bleed red, we all eat fried chicken, we all drink Kool-aid. I don’t know if they had Kool-aid back in the day, but they drank something the same. Republicans have always been about the people. That’s why I can’t get jiggy with the Democrats. They are not about everybody, they are about race-baiting and trying to win. That’s the difference. We are always winning. They are always trying to win.”

Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.3502080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2116

Breaking: Alaska’s lieutenant governor resigns abruptly over a bizarre reason


Byron Mallott resigned as lieutenant governor of Alaska abruptly on Tuesday afternoon, and a statement from the Governor’s office only said that he made “inappropriate comments.”


“Byron recently made inappropriate comments”


“It is with profound disappointment and sadness that I accepted the resignation of Lieutenant Governor Byron Mallott,” Alaska Governor Bill Walker said in a statement Tuesday.


“Byron recently made inappropriate comments that do not reflect the sterling level of behavior required in his role as Lieutenant Governor,” he continued. “I learned of the incident last night.”


“Byron has taken full responsibility for his actions and has resigned,” the governor said.


Alaska’s state health commissioner Valerie Davidson was sworn in as lieutenant governor, and she released a statement decrying Mallott’s actions, which are still a mystery.


“Alaskans deserve the highest standards of conduct by their elected officials,” she said in the statement. “While I am deeply saddened by the resignation of Lt. Governor Byron Mallott, I am profoundly disappointed by his conduct.”


She implied that the inappropriate comments had to with undermining the “respect for women.”


Mallott was running for another term on a “unity ticket” with Independent Governor Bill Walker.


Mallott also deleted his Twitter account Tuesday, but it’s unclear if it is related to his resignation.


In a statement posted on the Walker-Mallott Instagram page, the campaign indicated that he was leaving the campaign and would not accept the position if elected, since his name would still appear on the ballot.


“Byron’s resignation also applies to the campaign,” the statement read. “Though he cannot remove his name from the ballot, he will not accept the position of Lieutenant Governor if elected.”


A recent poll showed the Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Dunleavy with a large lead over the Independent incumbent Governor Bill Walker.

Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.3502117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247 >>2251

Jewish Mom Busted for Child Porn with 3-Year-Old Daughter


Disturbing news has surfaced in the Darby Hills, Pennsylvania area where a Jewish woman from Ohio has been arrested for charges of child pornography with her three-year-old daughter, that her boyfriend filmed.


26-year-old pedophile Kayla Parker was apprehended in Dayton, Ohio stemming from the investigation in Pennsylvania.


This investigation began last July when the Attorney General’s Child Predator Section received a tip from a technology company through the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.


The report concluded that an internet user uploaded child pornography through their service. An investigation by the AG Child Predator Section determined the computer uploading the child pornography was registered to an address belonging to Parker and her ex-boyfriend.


The case utilized resources from both the offices of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, according to local FOX News affiliate.


"This is an egregious case - a mother who preyed upon and sexually abused her own three-year-old daughter," Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in a statement. "My office will hold this woman - and anyone we find abusing children in Pennsylvania - accountable for their crimes.”


All of the crimes are alleged to have happened in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, where Parker lived with her now-ex-boyfriend, 25-year-old David Carbonaro.


According to the criminal complaint, investigators executed a search warrant back in July for the apartment then-couple Carbonaro and Parker lived in.


When inside the residence, authorities uncovered a camera which had both naked photographs and videos of a three-year-old girl, some of which depicted heinous sexual abuse at the hands of adults.


There were several hard drives, SD cards, and various computing devices that were sent to the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Child Predator Section crime lab for further examination.


Parker wasn't present at the time of the raid, and Carbonaro was immediately taken into custody and transported to the Delaware County Jail.


David Carbonaro was facing severe penalties on 65 felony counts, all of which were related to the possession of child pornographic materials and distribution.



Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.3502141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump: Mueller Probe Played Right Into Putin's Hands


US President Donald Trump told Fox Business host Trish Regan that the Special Counsel probe into potential collusion between his campaign and the Russian Federation plays into the hand of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday night.


"They played right into their hands because if they want to sow — they use the word ‘sow' chaos — they got it for nothing," he added, going on to call himself "tough" on Russia. "I gave weapons to Ukraine, Obama gave them pillows," Trump said.


Asked about Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the special counsel probe into collusion, Trump called the investigation "witch hunt," a "con job," and more. He said that many Democrats don't believe the hype either. "They wink at me," Trump said.


"Our Justice Department and FBI played right into their hands with this stupid investigation," the president said.

Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.3502218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2366 >>2494



El-Sisi: There is no alternative to finding a political solution for crisis in Syria

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi reaffirmed the necessity of reaching a political solution for the crisis in Syria in a way that preserves its sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.


People’s Assembly delegation to IPU in Geneva meets Italian and DPRK delegations

Anzor called for lifting the unilateral coercive sanctions imposed on Syrian People as they affect their life. Casini, for his part, underlined the importance of using the parliamentary diplomacy to “break the freeze” between Syria and the European Union, calling on the EU to send a delegation to Syria to observe the situation there as it is. He also stressed the necessity to eliminate terrorism in Syria, noting to the efforts of the Syrian government in this regard.


Kurdish Leader Comes With New Threats Against Damascus, Claims Any Attacker Will Face Like “ISIS Fate”

Anybody try to attack our liberated areas will face the same fate as DAESH,” Muslim tweeted obviously pointing out to the defeat of ISIS in Raqqa and nearby areas, which had been achieved by the Kurdish-dominated “Syrian Democratic Forces” with help from the US-led coalition.

The hostile approach employed by some leaders of the Kurdish groups and political parties receiving support from the US is one of the reasons fueling the Syrian conflict in its current stage. Russia, one of the key backers of Damascus, has repeatedly demonstrated that it’s ready to back negotiations between the Assad government and the Kurdish leaders if this approach is changed. However, it looks that some Kurdish leaders are not interested in promoting any kind of peaceful solution of the conflict because this will cut off a flow of financial and political support, which they receive from Washington.


Turkish Military Boosts Its Presence In Syria’s Idlib As Full Implementation Of Demilitarized Zone Agreement Is Still In Question

According to some Syrian pro-government activists and experts, this situation may trigger an implementation of the military option to force the militants to obey. Nonetheless, Ankara is not interested in any advances by Syrian government forces in Idlib. So, it’s taking its own steps to have a military option against the “rebelling” proxies.

Over the past week, the Turkish Armed Forces have sent an additional group of troops and military equipment alongside with a new group of proxies trained in Turkey to the province of Idlib. According to reports, these moves are designed to strengthen the Turkish “observation points” along the contact line between the militant-held and government-held areas. In the future, if the situation goes out of control, Ankara may use this force to punish non-loyal militant groups and prevent further advances by the Syrian Army.


Direct flights planned between Russia's Crimea and Syria

“We are looking at opening air service between Crimea and Syria,” he told journalists. The peninsula and the Arab country are also interested in opening a steamship line. “Some ports need to be refitted to receive vessels with deeper draught. When the actual agreement is signed, it will be clear what type of vessels will be allowed and what they will transport,” Aksenov said “The Syrian economy suffers not only from the war, but also from the sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies. The Crimea is also under such pressure, in this we are very similar. Such visits are important for overcoming difficulties, for developing our economies and for understanding how together we can resist this,” said Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade of Syria.


Syrian War Report – October 16, 2018: Idlib Demilitarization Zone Agreement Reaches Its First Deadline


Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.3502235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2264


Your missing the point, these stories aren't targeted at white people they are used to encourage blacks to pay attention and stop handing votes to the Dems who in turn treat them like shit.

Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:06 p.m. No.3502374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK is trying to keep EU on a short leash despite Brexit – Lavrov


While the UK negotiates its divorce from the EU, it’s still trying to keep the bloc on a short leash, to influence its policies towards Moscow and on other issues, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, has told Euronews.


The Foreign Minister called it a paradoxical situation that the UK, “a country that’s leaving the EU, is frantically trying to influence the EU’s policy towards Russia."


After groundlessly blaming Russia of the chemical poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March, “the British persuaded not everybody, but many [countries] to expel our diplomats,” Lavrov recalled. As another example, he talked about hair-trigger chemical weapons sanctions that were pushed by UK to be adopted in EU.


"And not only Russia, I think, regarding other international issues the Britishwant to keep the EU on a short leash,” he added. “How does it relate to the interests and dignity of the European Union isn’t for me to judge.”

Anonymous ID: 94a9d6 Oct. 16, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.3502398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Announces 15 Indictments Against Mexican Drug Cartel


WASHINGTON—The Justice Department announced 15 indictments against members of one of Mexico’s largest drug cartels on Oct. 16.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions unveiled the charges against members of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, or CJNG, which is accused of trafficking tons of cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl-laced heroin into the U.S.


The announcement comes a day after Sessions named the cartel one of the top five transnational criminal organizations.


Investigators believe the cartel brings about five tons of cocaine and five tons of methamphetamine into the U.S. from Mexico each month, Sessions said. The 15 indictments charge a total of 45 of the cartel’s leaders, financers, transporters and suppliers.


“Every day, these cartels are taking advantage of our porous Southern border to move and push their illegal drugs for large profits – expanding suffering and death along the way,” Sessions said at a news conference.


Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, who authorities say is the cartel’s kingpin and is also known as “El Mencho,” is charged in three of the indictments but remains a fugitive. The U.S. is offering a $10 million reward for information leading to his arrest.


His son, Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez, who prosecutors say served as the cartel’s second-in-command until he was arrested by Mexican authorities in 2015, is also charged in two of the indictments.


Officials believe the cartel has influence in 75 percent of Mexican states. The cartel also operates across the U.S., and in Europe, Asia, and Australia, according to prosecutors.


“Every single day the cartels cross our borders, disrespect our sovereignty, and deal poison, and death to Americans all across our country,” Sessions said. “They are relentless. They will not let up until they are stopped.”