Anonymous ID: e7fd70 Oct. 16, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.3501984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2042 >>2227 >>2295

How to tackle the JQ in 5 Easy Steps

As demonstrated by QR anons


1) Notice smug asses talking shit about whites, Christians or conservatives

>>3501218 lb

2) google [faggot’s name] and "jewish"

>Bet you he is a jew.

>>3501337 lb

3) Get a hit.

>And its confirmed, he is a jew.

>>3501354 lb

4) Repeat steps 1-3 & analyze pattern:




5) Resolve cognitive dissonance, get comfy knowing:

>Always the kikes.

>>3501392 lb

Bc you have frens here. We goyim know.


The reason you find them everywhere, pretending to be "white like you" so they can criticize from within is they infiltrate.

Consider exhibit A:


Oh, and they also have fetishes with bodily fluids (poop & toilets especially) and faggoty sex. If you see these behaviors in someone promoting a commie agenda, it’s prolly a Jew. Why describe belonging to two faiths as "bisexual?" Bc KIKE.


You’re here bc you value truth over feels, and you’ve already seen enough crazy shit to be willing to entertain any possibility. Remember, Q came to /pol/ and /pol/ is always right. 8ch/qresearch will learn ya: It’s the Jews.