Anonymous ID: 3af5e6 Oct. 16, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.3504208   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4355 >>4550 >>4768 >>4825

Washington Catholic Archdiocese Names 31 Priests 'Credibly Accused' Of Sexual Abuse


The Catholic archdiocese of Washington, D.C., has released a list of 31 clergymen who have been "credibly accused" of abusing children over a decades-long period — a move that comes just days after Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Archbishop Cardinal Donald Wuerl for allegedly covering up sexual abuse in the Church.


The list documents cases dating back as far 1948 and as recently as 1996. Eighteen priests were arrested and 17 of them are now dead. None of those still living are currently active clergymen.


"Where credibility could not be determined," the archdiocese says, allegations are "treated as credible for purposes of tracking and responding." It also says that no new allegations of abuse have been reported to them in two decades.


The release of the list comes amid upheaval in the archdiocese.


Wuerl, 77, resigned on Friday amid growing calls from survivors of sexual assault after a grand jury in Pennsylvania produced a disturbing, 900-page report that detailed the crimes of 300 "predator priests" — some under Wuerl's supervision.


After Cardinal's Resignation, Parishioner Shares His Struggle With Catholic Church


The report alleged Wuerl repeatedly moved abusive priests from parish to parish and failed to inform those parishes' leaders. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro called his conduct "absolutely abhorrent."


Wuerl will continue to serve as archbishop until his successor is appointed. The archdiocese's website described his resignation as "a new chapter."


A news release published on Monday — three days after Wuerl's resignation — quotes him as calling the list "a painful reminder of the grave sins committed by clergy, the pain inflicted on innocent young people, and the harm done to the Church's faithful, for which we continue to seek forgiveness."


In June, Washington's previous archbishop, ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, resigned after allegations of sexual abuse. There were also revelations that two dioceses in New Jersey made financial settlements with priests who alleged McCarrick sexually abused them when they were studying to enter the priesthood nearly 50 years ago.


McCarrick resigned from the College of Cardinals in July. He is not included on the list released Monday because his abuse occurred outside the archdiocese.


The list did not indicate how many victims were abused.


The archdiocese's website says it reports all allegations to the authorities. Its "Child Protection Policy" mandates reporting any allegations to civil authorities and has been in effect since 1986. According to the list, there were four instances of reported abuse that year, and two arrests and convictions.

Anonymous ID: 3af5e6 Oct. 16, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.3504297   🗄️.is đź”—kun

U.S. Wins Title of World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade


Davos just declared that America is great again.


The World Economic Forum, which hosts the annual conference of global elites in Switzerland, said on Tuesday that the United States is the most competitive economy in the world.


The U.S. has not held the number one spot since 2008, when the aftermath of the financial crisis and bungled recovery efforts left the U.S. economy limping.


“The United States, as one of the world’s great innovation powerhouses, is very well positioned in this new competitive landscape,” the Forum said in an article explaining its ranking. “It ranks first overall in the world in three of our twelve pillars; business dynamism, labour markets and financial system. It comes second in another two; innovation (behind Germany) and market size (behind China).”


The U.S. is followed by Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan in the top five. The top ten includes the Netherlands, Hong Kong, the U.K., Sweden, and Denmark.


Roughly 70% of the U.S. score originates from data supplied by international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, which typically are produced with a two to three year lag, according to the Forum.


“Does this mean that the US’ ascent can solely be attributed to the far-sighted structural reforms and innovations of its previous administration? The answer here is a very firm no: some of America’s strengths predate even that period. Likewise nor can we dismiss the efforts of the current administration: if 70% of the report’s weighting comes from hard data, the remaining 30% represents the views of America’s business leaders: if they are positive about America’s competitiveness then their views will be very much based on the here and now,” the Forum explained.

Anonymous ID: 3af5e6 Oct. 16, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.3504335   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4355 >>4550 >>4768 >>4825

Mexico Vows to Stop Migrant Caravan If It Ignores Immigration Law


Mexico’s immigration authorities vowed to stop members of a migrant caravan consisting of roughly 1,300 individuals from Honduras trying to make their way north, eventually to the U.S. border. Those wanting to enter Mexico will have to follow immigration law or they will be turned back, officials say.


In a prepared statement, the National Immigration Institute (INM) claimed that members of the migrant caravan wanting to enter Mexico would have to request a visa through their consulate and follow immigration law. Those who refuse would be turned back.


Over the weekend, more than 1,300 migrants began an organized caravan in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, publicly claiming that their goal was the U.S. Border, Breitbart Texas reported. The caravan was apparently organized through social media and started on Saturday. By Monday, the group already entered Guatemala as they made their way toward the border with Mexico. The statements made by group members point to a lack of jobs and violence in Honduras as their reason to head north.


Most recently, President Donald Trump tweeted the federal government informed Honduras that if the caravan was not stopped reversed, the U.S. would stop all foreign aid to the nation.

Anonymous ID: 3af5e6 Oct. 16, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.3504584   🗄️.is đź”—kun

China Defends Mass "Re-education Camps" As Uighur Muslims "Transformed For The Better"


Two months after a United Nations human rights panel first accused China of holding up to one million ethnic Uighurs in what was described a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy,” Chinese officials have now admitted to the existence of the "re-education" camps focused on "preventing" religious extremism, and have mounted a fierce defense, going so far as to say former detainees have been "transformed for the better" and live happier lives as "citizens of the nation".


Though reports of the Orwellian mass internment camps where "brain washing" techniques are said to be routine have shocked Western audiences as details and testimony have emerged over the past weeks, China has now not only unashamedly admitted to the centers, but is positively boastful about the whole enterprise.