Anonymous ID: ea9041 Oct. 16, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.3504611   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep Dig TOOL for anons… - scroll to GKG Exporter (skip the EVENTS tools unless you want to study cold war style event analysis of nation-on-nation conflict – look up WEIS, KEDS, and the Goldstein scale for that stuff).


You will need to supply an EMAIL address because this does a batch query of Googles CREEPY Jigsaw project… use with caution.


What you will get are two CSV files, SOURCES


Here's a sample of about 15% of the URLs on Elizabeth Warren in the past two days (pastebin has a size limit)


The Heatmap was made with the GKG Heatmap tool for the same query.