anyone i know?
i fully expect to find out that the khashoggi "event" is a C_A op to disrupt SA + US partnership(s).
i'm open to any theory… and won't dismiss yours… mine was based on the players driving the discussion… questions posed to POTUS (soundbites anyway) were "will the US break off deals with SA?"… "will you demand the King is removed?"… "will you stop trading with SA?"
and then CNN starts driving the "SA is about to claim that he died accidently during his interrogation" (not exact words)
honestly… have you ever seen a fat skeleton?
the classic (and oh so realistic scene) where a hobbit plays beach volleyball.
i still need more time to digest this one.
not sold on RR converting
"Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein [payment in full]"
someone lost a quarter.
but no one can understand wtf the hungarians are saying.
"i'm going to pick up a language this summer… i'll start with an easy one; Hungarian"
(said no one ever)
i love how they have shut him out.
it's beautiful… just rolls off the tongue like singing a song.
i have hungarian friends myself so please know that i'm just fucking about.
regarding fault…. i don't remember another leader work this hard… putting his face out there daily.
i assumed that was why the 'goodbye"
whytf are you (flake) conversing with RR?
and, (shit anon… i didn't think that angle).
RR taped the conversation with flake? where flake was attempting to subvert/undermine the vote… and the tape was the dirt to bring flake back to the straight and narrow?
agreed anon. thanks
so trump owes many of those electoral votes to the CIA/MOS op formerly known as AJ?
i should know better than to respond to them… (i've been doing it all night)… my bad anon
anytime a paid site is pushed, it is going to get its assed kicked… the janda posts didn't stand a chance.
(assed? just laugh)
that's your scrotum
it's code…. watch for capital letters and spelling mistakes… figure out the meaning, and come back with your findings.