Anonymous ID: 6ed2b8 Oct. 17, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.3507305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Last week a conservative member of the Australian senate put forward a motion calling on the Senate to support the notion that ‘it’s ok to be white’.

Government senators, along with some independents, voted for the motion and it passed.

In the ensuing few days the usual ratbags (AKA progressives) squealed and howled and insisted that ‘its ok to be white’ is a catchcry used exclusively by neo-Nazi groups to promote white supremacy.

Result? Our ‘conservative’ Prime Minister and his senior cabinet spent a day issuing grovelling apologies, the Government cravenly caved and agreed that the motion should be reintroduced. It was and ‘conservative’ Senators voted unanimously against it.

So, in Australia, according to our ‘Conservative’ Government, it is not ok to be white.

Anonymous ID: 6ed2b8 Oct. 17, 2018, 1:06 a.m. No.3507318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: Sen. @tedcruz is heckled at an airport by an angry woman. He thanks the woman for expressing her First Amendment rights and responds, “God bless you, ma’am.”

Anonymous ID: 6ed2b8 Oct. 17, 2018, 1:08 a.m. No.3507325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7452 >>7594

A former Honduran lawmaker traveling with a caravan of migrants heading toward the U.S.-Mexico border was detained by authorities in Guatemala on Tuesday as President Trump threatened to arrest anyone entering the country illegally.


Ex-legislator Bartolo Fuentes, who is said to have organized the march, was detained by Guatemalan authorities after failing to register with migration officials upon entering the country. Wilmer Simon Gomez and Michael Fajardo were among two others detained from the migrant group.


An official with the country’s migration agency said that Fuentes was to be taken to a migrant shelter and then deported.

Anonymous ID: 6ed2b8 Oct. 17, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.3507399   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The liberal ideology has lost 1/2


1) So here I am, at a grocery store, and I see some soyboy walking by on his phone. Wool jacket, dirty ripped up jeans, old sonoma backpack, carrying some groceries.

2) “See, I’m dressing to look like a homeless person so when I’m confronted by security, I can confront them about their prejudices against vagrants.”

3) Most confusing fucking thing I’ve seen all goddamn week. Motherfucker, you’re getting stopped by security because you look like a homeless guy and are carrying around a goddamn backpack in a grocery store.

4) And we’re in a city where the vagrant and panhandler problem is so bad the city tried to ban panhandling, the state supreme court declared panhandling was free speech, and so the city instead put up anti-panhandling signs encouraging people to donate to shelters instead.

5) See, this? This is what these motherfucking activists don’t get.

College I went to in North Carolina, the college socialism… sorry, sociology majors would every year buy these expensive ass tents on the school budget and camp on the streets in the winter to raise awareness

6) …awareness for the homeless problem in THAT city.

Until a homeless guy got into one of the tents and almost raped one of the girls. Stopped that tradition pretty damn quick.

7) Liberals are dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

They don’t understand that problems cannot be solved by enabling the problem to expand further.

They don’t understand that a problem does not exist because of prejudice or people being unaware of a problem.

8) One issue, the death rate of trans people, especially teenagers. Many times they’re forced from their homes and thus become homeless. Their compounding problems drive them to suicide, overdose, or a violent death from being in a ludicrously unsafe lifestyle.

9) The problem is not awareness. The solution is not liberals telling them that they should get insanely expensive hormone treatments and surgeries to remake themselves into a different gender, and if they can’t afford it the government should pay for it.

10) I don’t know what the solution is, myself, or if there even IS a one size fits all solution. But do you want to know what is NOT a solution?

11) Telling the society at large that it is their responsibility to bend and twist around people who fall into victim categories. Telling the society at large that they are prejudiced against and ignorant of a problem, and taking it upon oneself to attack the prejudice.

12) This is why Democrats are going to lose. Because society at large is by nature a stubborn and intransigent body. That attemping to force sudden sweeping changes upon a society leads to a backlash.

13) Democrats, by their very nature, alternatively remember and forget this. They won gay marriage because they remembered to take it slow, fight it state by state, until society at large was so sick of arguing over it they welcomed the SCOTUS decision allowing it.


14) Now? Society at large doesn’t give a fuck. No one’s winning on a campaign platform of repealing gay marriage, because no one gives a fuck. I don’t give a fuck. It just doesn’t matter.

15) But then… destroy our healthcare system and replace it with a shitty hybrid with one sweeping law? Rewrite our immigration policy with executive actions? Foster movements that want to force society to adapt to their schizophrenic world view? Democrats FORGOT how to win.

16) They forgot how to win because they forgot that they needed to fight slowly until everyone stopped caring about the issue at hand. How could they forget this?

Because after 8 years of Obama, with the media suppressing all dissenting views, liberals thought they WON.

17) That’s why they were so shocked that Trump won with a majority in the house and a slim majority in the senate. They thought they had won. They thought society at large had already surrendered and became their ideal. That’s why they keep talking of society sliding backwards.

Anonymous ID: 6ed2b8 Oct. 17, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.3507402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7807

The liberal ideology has lost 2/2


18) When you think you’re in a liberal paradise and you wake up to an army of conservatives running the government, its very easy for them to think “Suddenly, Nazis… EVERYWHERE.” They’ve fooled themselves into thinking conservatives had died out, that there were hardly any left

19) Every psychosis, every appearance of TDS, every SHOCK when Trump kept winning, when their fantasy world is destroyed one lie at a time, stems from this basic belief:

They were so correct, that they had already won.

20) The James Damore Google Memo. You didn’t read it. None of you fuckers read the whole thing. You got a few pages in, hit the key points, sure. Definitely more than the liberals. DEFINITELY more than anyone who had ever interviewed Damore about the memo.

21) I know no one who interviewed Damore read it, because he always looked BORED. Watch the interviews. He’s bored and wants the interview to be over with. Why?

Because he knows no one he’s talking to read the memo.

22) James Damore agreed with liberals that there was an imbalance of women to men in certain fields, and wanted to fix this. The left ignored that and instead threw a FIT that there was a conservative amongst them. That was Damore’s sin. That he was CONSERVATIVE even if he agreed

23) The tell, the thing that would have GUARANTEED that he was speaking to someone who had read the memo?

He threw in a suggestion on how to fix the gender balance that came completely out of left field and stood out to me in that no sources were cited for the point.

24) This motherfucker METICULOUSLY cited sources and quoted facts and figures. Him not doing so for an out of the blue proposal that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT UP in debate or in interviews where he looks SO GODDAMN BORED tells that it was a code, a signal he embedded.

25) A passcode that says, “Hey, I see what you did there, you clever bastard. Now let’s actually TALK.”

Wanna know what it was?

26) Men should be feminized so that they enter woman-dominated fields to free up positions and lessen competition for women in male-dominated fields.

27) Yeah. That’s the suggestion almost verbatim. Go read it. Check it out. Didn’t cite any sources or anything, just a total shot in the dark.

28) What Damore did with that memo, with that code, was twofold.

First, he was the first to break the illusion of Good Guy Google. He revealed it for what it was. Part of the mechanisms convincing liberals they won and conservatives they lost.

29) Second, he destroyed the left’s illusion that they COULD BE a hegemonic ideology, that they could exist on their own, while simultaneously revealing that their entire desire was to be just that.

30) Feminize men so women could enter male dominated fields without competition. Really. That sounds like something lefties would LOVE. But he lead off with admitting to being conservative-leaning, at least by Google’s standards, to prove the left couldn’t allow ANY dissent.

31) Now, 3 times now, Google has suffered devastatingly embarrassing leaks from conservatives still amongst them, of their executive meltdown after the election, of their work on the chinese firewall, of their desires to be censors themselves of the internet.

32) The liberal ideology has lost. They already lost. They have already LOST. They lost because their goal was to become the hegemonic ideology in society. That they were in a soyboy dressed as a hobo (soybo?) could lecture security on prejudices against vagrants.

33) Now? It doesn’t matter how many of us they suspend. It doesn’t matter how much the media lies. It no longer matters. The liberal ideology is a walking corpse. Come November, they will be in for a RUDE awakening.