Anonymous ID: 701d56 Oct. 17, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.3507536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7540 >>7541



>You got dandelions there?

I America we do this amazing thing where we spray poisonous chemicals on edible things like dandelions to preserve our precious lawns… These chemicals also have a number of negative effects on humans as well, but that doesn't stop us one bit… We hate the thought of nature providing things for free… FUCK THAT.. No, we actually PAY MONEY to prevent this from ever happening… and what if I don't want to use poisonous chemicals to treat my lawn, due to the many negative health risks associated with said chemicals?? Well, I have no choice because spraying hazardous chemicals is not a crime in America… However I can think of several instances where growing your own food or medicine is…