This Chase individual wasn't a stickler for details, it seems.
I've always loved the MA "accent". Take an "R" from one word, place it at the end of another word.
Example: "Get in the cah', Sabrinar!"
Am not hung up of the R stuff - I do think it's interesting, tho. (Ok, I believe he's alive. Hats, man. Hats. Who loved weirdo hats? That guy. Anyway.)
I ALSO think it's interesting that the Russian journo "faking his own death" thing came up at around the time R showed up.
Yes, Q did say "Only Q". Q also said "IBOR" (rather rudely, if I recall correctly) and we all know "IBOR" is an AT&T production that entered the conversation right around the time they lost some pretty big contracts at the WH.
Regarding Diana: Pretty wild that the missing Saudi journo is Dodi al-Fayed's cousin.
Doe the term "paper tiger" mean anything to you? It means something to me and when I look at your post hx., "paper tiger" just keeps coming to mind.
I loved "Bad & Ugly Prince" enough. Now you add "with Cooties"?! I never thought I could love a meme this much. Seriously and no snark. <3
Can someone make a "Gold Star Meme" meme? (I would do it myself, yet I'm STILL not sure how I even got here. So, am probably not the one to do that meme.)
Fat Mama (Herbie Hancock)
Not a bad idea in any situation, imho.
Can you add text? Like "Gold Star Meme"? (I know you're not a mememonkey! Do NOT feel compelled to do shit.)
This makes no sense! I THINK I get what you're saying, maybe? Yet this is weird as fuck in english.