Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.3508108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8242

Anon has been researching biomedical technology, FDA, NIH, and CDC corruption.

There's is abundant evidence of every kind of criminal collusion, between big Pharma, regulatory agencies, corrupt legislators and crooked hedge funds and financial journalist.

Lots of evidence there.


We need is evidence of the artificial epidemics started by the cultists.


There is clearly bioweapons testing going on and there are indications that certain viruses or their insect vectors have been modified to facilitate transmission outside traditional range.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.3508199   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Think we are looking at a transdimensional intelligence, unitary, in cultists. Guess that's Ayyay and such discussions are not for the general. Too strange for many at this stage. But you can't just kill cultist physically and expect to eliminate the pedovores. There is a source of this poison and we have not seen it, yet.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.3508265   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like your matrix meme anon.


Something wrong with that Matrix analogy for sure. Probably just that it is entirely materialist which is ah, incorrect.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.3508444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8485

Anybody else think that nation state intel services basically played a recording of Khashoggi being cut up to expose roaches?

There's are a lot of reasons NOT to kill someone like Khashoggi in your own embassy but if you do, there are ways to do it silently.

Is this a set up?

It worked.

They call it bloody wonderland. Not stupid wonderland. Wonder why?

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.3508539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8603

Anons have speculated about Hilldawg having Kuru.


Kuru is a prion disorder and a prion is even deader that a virus, which must capture a host reproductive process in order to replicate.

A prion is an infectious protein - other proteins it comes in contact with adopt the prions misconfiguration or misfolding. People who have kuru have these misfolded prions throughout the brain.


Kuru cases are extremely rare in the US, but here we have one, and the victim is said to have contracted the illness from eating squirrel brains.

Maybe that's true IDK, have a look for yourself.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.3508603   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One hospital in Rochester has FIVE case of kuru


>There are three forms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD): one that is inherited, one that comes from exposure to infected tissue from the brain or nervous system (this form includes vCJD), and one type that is "sporadic" and does not appear to have a genetic or environmental cause.


>The sporadic type is the most common, responsible for 85 percent of cases, according to the NIH.


>Because CJD is so rare, doctors at Rochester Regional Health were surprised when four suspected cases of the disease occurred at the hospital within a six-month period, from November of 2017 to April of 2018. That number is higher than expected based on the population of the Rochester area, which has about 1 million people, said study co-author Dr. John Hanna, also a medical resident at Rochester Regional Health.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.3508633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"These people of Dalmatia gave the bread out of their mouths to save us of Western Europe from Islam; and it is ironical that so successfully did they protect us that those among us who would be broad-minded, who will in that pursuit stretch their minds until they fall apart in idiocy, would blythely tell us that perhaps the Dalmations need not have gone to the trouble, that an Islamicized West could not have been worse than we are today. Their folly is certified for what it is by the mere sound of the word 'Balkan,' with its suggestion of a disorder that defies human virtue and intelligence to accomplish its complete correction. I could confirm that certificate by my own memories: I had only to shut my eyes to smell the dust, the lethargy, the rage and hopelessness of that Macedonian town, once a glory to Europe, that had too long been Turkish. The West has done much that is ill, it is vulgar and superficial, and economically sadist; but it has not known that death in life which was suffered by the Christian provinces under the Ottoman Empire."

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.3508657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just as there is an invisible and unseen virtual reality we call the internet that is intimately related to the material world and MW events, real world material events have virtual correlates or components. Neither real world events or virtual world correlates can be understood by their own state in isolation. It is the evolving state of the combined realms which produces the dynamic phenomena we generally perceive as belonging to one realm or the other.


The bifurcated structure is also characteristic of the subjective experience of individual human consciousness, we can infer the existence of a dynamic process, consciousness poised between abstract and material phenomena, composed of both.

Anonymous ID: b997d5 Oct. 17, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.3508680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shot skeet and tried to square dance at the hustings Friday day,

Then oysters, oysters at the club with "One Hoss" Shea,

Who's broken with that prairie snipe who'd tried to tag his ear -

but failed - for all her earnests from the gold fields of Ophir.


The brothers Parc, who know me not, might sneer, "Pearl fishers? Odd, for Witchita Deserta." But those oysters knew Cape Cod,

and One Hoss had them iced and flown: Cotuits, best of breed, cotuits joy of snob and gob, and coveted for seed.


Old Henry Adams mentioned them - I've got a note here somewhere,

or maybe just the piece itself. He'd honeymooned it there with "Claver" she who's long since dead. Her relict haunts us still….

"As queer as quoits" cried Longworth's wife, bitch goddess of The Hill.


…think not he made a pet of me that August of '18

as I was all the worse for wear - no trophy for a queen.

He'd drawn up maps to chart the war - although it made him grieve

to picture France, from where I'd come on convalescent leave.


…near St Michel I'd culled a herd of Huns in swart Argonne

and been shot up a bit myself. In hospital at dawn

I used somebodies swagger stick to lever out of bed

then hopped and crawled half a mile to watch birds defile the dead.


The dead in question was a scamp, a card sharp from Cornell-

they'd drummed him out of Lawerenceville. The rook said, "Go to hell

these eyes is mine. There's others here, why must you play the goat?"

"You go to far!" I told the rook, and shot him in the throat.