Proper Sight Picture Is Everything
Are you ready to see arrests? ✅
Are you ready to see PAIN? ✅
Are you ready to be part of history? ✅
Trust The Plan???
Hopium is wearing Off
Remember last Feb, Mar, Apr, May OIG Report?
2018 The Year The Movie Sucked.
Stale Popcorn
Remember Declas?
Hopium all but Gone NOW
The Left Fights…We just Talk and Talk.
We say FIGHT while getting our heads Bashed in…Yet we do nothing. We just sit here with what's left of our Hopium. We do not fight. We cower. SIGH
Yea You are on 8chan cause you know how to fight….LOL What a waste
They don't need to go to Somalia to kill Terrorists…Just go to Minneapolis…There are a Shit Ton There
That will take em down for sure… Fight Fight Fight Anon… You are amazing!