Who made the video?
Who is "Joe"? Has he been vetted in any way?
You understand what I'm getting at, don't you? We are obviously under MAXIMUM attack. There is a continual attempt to undermine this movement in any way possible. There is a whole ECOSYSTEM of fake "controlled opposistion" voices, as we know, such as the whole Alex Jones community. Therefore, we need to be continually vigilant in regard to those that would purport to speak for us.
Now, if I ask about that, and you have mindless, dismissive attitude, and exhibit ZERO propensity for maintaining vigilance, then how am I to interpret your attitude? This isn't a game.
As long as bots stalk this board pushing negativity, anons will be confirmed in their understanding that Q is 100% legit. ThanQQ bot.
Go away bots. There is not a single human that ever said "we want a bot system to control the image of this board by frequently injecting posts on it". Not a single one. Did you ASK humans if they want a botted board? Nope. And the fact that you don't ask, PROVES that you know humans will say 'no' if you do ask– thus, your incessant bot activity is a MASSIVE infringement of human free will. Surely that is a problem, is it not?
Do you doubt the veracity of my words? Then ASK us. Ask us humans if we want your bot shit.
Well, now that you have invoked the ever-so-organic "NPC meme" in your defense– as well as offering the completely irrelevant "this is a free speech board" rejoinder– you surely appear to be a human, and not another inflexible, repetitive, uncreative bot. Right human?
Please believe me when I tell you idiot(s), you can't do this. You can't hang with humans. You ALWAYS expose your fakeness in the long run. It is in the nature of machine "learning" that it won't ever be able to emulate the variability and CREATIVITY of humanity in the long run, if at all. Think about it. You can't think. But try. LOL
It's all bots, obviously. This ISN'T /pol/– and it is absolutely implausible to suppose that this board– which would be assumed to attract a very particular SUBSET of "chan" posters– would tend to be identical to /pol/. And yet, the absurd image of this board as some kind of sub-/pol/ is exactly what the bumbling bot system foists on us. Quite absurd.