Anonymous ID: f7fdf6 Oct. 17, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3510326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0342

I work for a tech company that has contracts with the federal government. My clearence is not as high as others but one of the projects we are working on now gives me pause. It involves a essentially involves a procedure for taking back a website that has been hacked by foreign state actors, essentially giving “the good guys” control of the website temporarily for national security reasons. After, having read “the plan” on here after it was suggested to me by a friend a couple months ago, it’s becoming more and more clear that what we’re working on Project Olympic Games II, is going to be used to temporarily nationalize the social media companies.


Now getting in to the realm of speculation, if this is the case, especially after the elections this could be used to release a “FLOOD” in either promoted content or the only content under a national security emergency. Not taking any questions, hope I was clear enough. Godspeed.