Fvk no, stop smoking commercial chit.
Dispensary pot is a joke - yes, that OG this and that will put you in a stupor.
Now old school sativa's - a whole nother story….
Fvk no, stop smoking commercial chit.
Dispensary pot is a joke - yes, that OG this and that will put you in a stupor.
Now old school sativa's - a whole nother story….
…and there have been enough slides on this in the past won't start another. Though there was the WA news story on the matter on NPR tonight re: border topic…
Change in the wings finally??
Actually, NLD or WLD in today's nomenclature
Narrow Leaf Drug (sativa) or Wide Leaf Drug (Indica)
Alcohol dumbs you down, but sure is a nice buzz. Here's to you takin' 'em down Kav!!!
(pot for the creative break-out thinking - alcohol for the inhibition busting go-for it stupidity!)