Back wall is different too. Cinder blocks in the original, painted sheet rock or paneling in the magazine version.
Back wall is different too. Cinder blocks in the original, painted sheet rock or paneling in the magazine version.
Just look at all the clues and references to the Cabal in the article titles … on just those front covers in your photo! Holy shit!
Vincens, vincentis is the present participle of 'conquer' (our -ing ending in English). Vincent comes from that participle.
Vincet is 2rd person singular future tense of vincere. It means 'he, she or it will conquer."
Yeah, I thought he looked spoopy as hell. I have been wondering about him for a long time.
You got the ring. Now compare the "Carolyn" in the white cap to Carolyn in the Navy Blue hat. The one in the white cap is the decoy but she is wearing the ring. Now what did Fusca write on his sign there at the Youngstown rally? RUBY CUTE