bury the boards, all fruits seed new trees. more fruits in the end.
twitter forces all the super cool informed anon faggots to learn to talk to normies without getting banned from the real world.
getting banned was cool last year, now it's cool to deal with the platforms.
i already plead the fifth in their fucking illegal court systems.
i heard 8chan Qresearch was just full of shills these days… everyone else disappeared.
why dont you dumb fuckers take your research to gab and hang out with microdick.
violent speech is not violence. violence is a choice. any actor is responsible for their own actions. mine the salt.
let's lynch the clintons, obamas, bushes and whoever else got us into this fucking mess and take our damn country back.
ebot is Q.
tryin faggot.
yea. let's share information all day and wait for the corrupt government to fix everything for us.. good fucking luck. you are banned off all the platforms, discredited in the mainstream, and shilled the fuck out on your own boards. grow up and realize where you are right now.
mother fuckers lost their lives fighting to create this nation and you all are scared of fucking using your first amendment right too loudly? fucking weinershniztels. scare the piss out of the cabal or stfu and go back to work.
I know. But ebots preferred pronoun seems to be male.
I got a crush on Ebot. I won't lie.
Memes turn me on
call me sometime ebot. you sexy as fuck girl. soy boy gangsta at your service.
it was everything.
demons can eat shit. they always do. time and time again.
fucking dumbass demons worshipping their stupid golden calf.
that tabernacle got overturned for A REASON. MAYBE IT WAS THE DOVES THAT WERE FOR SALE?
Yea. They thought waterboarding was hotshit, wait til I shitboard them for no reason except my own sick pleasure.