Hundreds? There will be 50,000 people playing the MAGA Millions numbers.
Fusca - in addition to meaning dark or swarthy, it is the root for the word "Obfuscate", which means to conceal or muddy.
Been trying to get this the NPC treatment.
Yep…one of my few original digs that got tossed into the mass consciousness here.
Vincent (Latin: Vincentius) is a male given name derived from the Roman name Vincentius, which is derived from the Latin word "vincere" (to conquer).
Yes, I did the original dig. I was just adding that Fusca is also the root word of Obfuscate - to conceal or muddy, which means the name is even more genius.
Both Conquering darkness AND a last name root that means conceal (like true identity).
ANTIFA HANDBOOK: Be sure to make a proper fist to inflict maximum damage.
Current favorite Fox
Yes…extrapolate out and apply it to a name. To make dark, obscure, conceal - like true identity