Anonymous ID: 3bc3b2 Oct. 17, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.3517692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7718 >>7720 >>7745 >>7754 >>7798

Been gone for a few days.

I can see that this place has gone to shit…

Nothing but sycophants and trolls anymore…

No real digging.

Nothing new under the sun.


Just wanted to remind you all.

The earth isn't flat.

Jesus was never real.

God doesn't exist.

Chemtrails aren't a thing.

Most of the people y'all call bots are not bots.

Most of the people y'all call shills are not paid, nor are they your enemy… they're just trying to get y'all to think and discover truth… but y'all won't listen, because you're emotionally retarded children who must believe in a bunch of nonsense in order to get through the day, and you squeel at anyone that attempts to burst your bubble, because you can't handle reality.

There are no checks bouncing.

The cabal doesn't really care about y'all.

You have an over-inflated sense of purpose, and an over-inflated sense of impact.

They don't fear you.

They don't care about you.


Now that said… if you made it this far into my post…


Q is likely real.

Trump is an amazing president.

The cabal is being handled.

We are making America great again.


I'm just trying to be realistic about it.

Because Q is right. We are watching a movie. The audience doesn't participate, and doesn't change the movie at all… we're just observers. We are not important, except to maybe get more people to watch with us.

Our digging doesn't help anything, except to expose the truth.


Hillary is a fucking criminal, traitor, and murderer…

Soros needs to be shot in the head.

The Podestas are creepy motherfuckers who should be buried alive with snakes and allowed to die a slow painful death.


I hate the Democrats. They are not so much a political party… they are actually a criminal organization.


So yeah… spittin truth at you… let's see how many divisionfags call me a shill. (Look, a Q in my captcha! OMG Q PROOF! KEK)