Anonymous ID: 6b97f0 Oct. 18, 2018, 12:03 a.m. No.3518382   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The media WILL NOT report this. Even the "right wing" (FAKE) media WILL NOT report this.


Right now, based on the New York Times polling of the 31 districts that are considered to be "toss ups" by Real Clear Politics, Republicans would win 17 and Democrats would win 9. Two districts poll as ties.


Most of these districts are Republican districts that TRUMP won.




Based on the experience in 2016 it is very likely that Republicans will do MUCH better than their poll numbers because of the TRUMP effect.


Because the LEFT WING MOB threatens, harasses and intimidates anyone who expresses any support for TRUMP (or Republicans) people in white collar professions and african americans are very afraid to publicly express any opinion that could be construed as favorable to TRUMP because it could mean losing their job or being targeted for mob harassment or violence.


When pollsters do surveys Trump supporters who are in these groups targeted for ideological conformity (college educated, african americans) will either decline to take the survey or lie (e.g. say the are "undecided" or "don't know") but when it comes time to vote on a SECRET ballot it is a different story.


Clinton polled +10 in these phony polls and lost. Any Democrat not polling at least +5 will most likely lose.


Republicans are leading outright in the polls right now, but their lead on the actual ballot will be EVEN GREATER.


IT IS HAPPENING. But this is going to be VERY CLOSE. Get out and VOTE. Get out and VOLUNTEER.


The future of this country will be decided by turnout in 5-10 house districts so do not be the person sitting there on November 7 wishing you had taken action to stop the Democrats before it was TOO LATE!