Anonymous ID: d68404 Oct. 17, 2018, 11:40 p.m. No.3518237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8352


You asking about the Cabal end game, or Democrats as a political party?


I don't think most believe in a global cabal. Only the very high up anchors and talking heads are in on the plan imo. Some of these anchors have over the years been to bilderberg meetings, G20 summits, etc. That is where the main, big, big, stories are written and the pieces are laid out. Peter Jennings, Matt Lauer, Anderson Cooper, really high up there along with the executives.


You're average anchor is just told to say what the teleprompter says, the talk shows hire people who are already trained in leftist Universities and push the social agenda bullshit. It's all propaganda. Even propaganda tells some truth obviously.