Anonymous ID: 061d32 Oct. 18, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.3520253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0272 >>0357 >>0379

Investigators ready to ask top FBI lawyer if there was 'legal analysis' after Rod Rosenstein talk of secretly recording Trump


The ex-top lawyer at the FBI, James Baker, will appear before a congressional Russia task force on Thursday for a second private meeting in recent weeks. During an interview on Fox News, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said the first questions the former general counsel will be asked will focus on whether there was any kind of "legal analysis" following Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's discussion of secretly recording President Trump. "Was there some kind of legal analysis of actually looking to record the president of the United States? What subsequent meetings took place? Those are the first series of questions we'll ask Mr. Baker," Jordan said about half an hour before the meeting with members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Committees was scheduled to start.


Rosenstein pulled out of a private appearance before a joint Judiciary and Oversight panel last week. The postponement upset lawmakers and shocked President Trump. GOP investigators, who have routinely clashed with Rosenstein over document requests, were eager to grill him on a recent New York Times report on him discussing secretly recording Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to oust the president after FBI Director James Comey was fired in May 2017. Rosenstein has denied considering such actions.


During Baker's closed-door deposition earlier this month, he reportedly he said took the news of Rosenstein discussing wearing a wire to secretly record conversations with President Trump very seriously. Rosenstein reportedly made the comments to two top officials in the meeting, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and bureau lawyer Lisa Page, who then went to the office of a third FBI official, Baker, and conveyed that they thought he was being serious about the use of a wire. Jordan, a member of the Judiciary Committee, previously said that Baker's first meeting was "cut short" and still had questions. During his the deposition, Baker also provided "absolute proof" that the FBI failed to inform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of pertinent Democratic interests when applying to spy on onetime Trump campaign official Carter Page, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes.

Anonymous ID: 061d32 Oct. 18, 2018, 7:43 a.m. No.3520282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0288 >>0289 >>0300 >>0357 >>0379

Devin Nunes celebrates arrest of ‘Soros funded hack’


Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., celebrated the arrest of a Democratic operative for American Bridge 21st Century, a group funded by billionaire George Soros, whom the lawmaker said chased him around the U.S. Capitol this summer. Wilfred Michael Stark III was arrested Tuesday after Kristin Davison, the campaign manager for Nevada gubernatorial nominee Adam Laxalt, accused him of grabbing her arm and refusing to let go, Fox News reported. Davison said the incident “terrified and traumatized” her and left her with bruises on her neck and arms. “Soros funded hack finally arrested for assaulting young female campaign staff in Nevada,” Nunes tweeted late Wednesday. “This should not happen in the USA!” Months earlier, Nunes tweeted a photo of Stark, asking if anyone knew the identity of the man. “Kept chasing me around the Capitol with a camera phone today,” he said.


Stark was in custody at the Las Vegas city jail as of Wednesday. "He was arrested by our city marshals last night about 7 p.m. after Kristin Davison contacted them saying Mr. Stark had grabbed her by the arm and pushed her. The arrest is classified as a citizen’s arrest because the incident did not happen in the presence of the marshals,” the city marshal’s office told Fox News. Stark was also arrested earlier this year for allegedly assaulting a press secretary for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. American Bridge did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Washington Examiner.

Anonymous ID: 061d32 Oct. 18, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.3520350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0377

Here come the 2020 Democrats! 30 could compete for White House


Get ready for the undercard debates. Democrats are completely out of power in Washington D.C. - for now, at least - but that hasn’t stopped a record number of them from eyeing the White House. Up to 30 Democrats are considering a 2020 presidential campaign, a figure underlining the true level of ambition within the party amid a burning desire to defeat President Trump and one of the widest-open fields in recent memory. Sixteen Democrats were tested in a CNN poll this month, ranging from old-timers like former Vice President Joe Biden and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry to relative newcomers like California Sen. Kamala Harris and her New Jersey counterpart Sen. Cory Booker. Sen. Elizabeth Warren's DNA test was a sure sign she's running. Millennial heart-throb Bernie Sanders looks like he'll take the plunge. Billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg is limbering up, former Obama attorney general Eric Holder is testing the waters, and bomb-throwing lawyer and provocateur Michael Avenatti is signaling he's in. Other prominent names in the mix are Sens. Kirsten Gilibrand of New York and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, and Montana Gov. Steve Bullock. Rep. John Delaney of Maryland has already declared. Texas candidate Beto O'Rourke may lose his U.S. Senate race in the Lone Star State but his supporters are urging him to go for the big one. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti seems to be running.


The true figure of eventual runners will almost certainly eclipse the 17 major candidates for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 — which was in itself a far cry from “the seven dwarves,” as the 1988 Democratic presidential field was called. CNN's 16 didn't count former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who has remained a fixture since his ill-fated 2016 run, ex-Starbucks executive Howard Schultz, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, who has said he is “likely” to run, or the stubbornly persistent Hillary Clinton, who refused to go away even after her star was substantially dimmed by her loss to Trump. The probable next governor of California, Gavin Newsom, was not polled. Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has been to Iowa and New Hampshire while campaigning for Democratic candidates and finding himself the subject of magazine profiles. Billionaire environmentalist and pro-impeachment activist Tom Steyer has also been acting like a candidate, as has Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. A bevy of House members are vying for a profile high enough to run for president. This includes Reps. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., Seth Moulton, D-Mass., and Tim Ryan, D-Ohio. Even South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu are telling everyone who will listen they'd like to give it a shot. New York governor Andrew Cuomo has been floated and former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe seems keen. If all of the above run, that's a field of 30.