Anonymous ID: 0a978f Oct. 18, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3521654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1693


"Crucial news keeps flying out of Saudi Arabia at a frantic pace, but here's the bottom line: The Saudis are marching ever closer towards a wider regional war. And the U.S. may have helped send them down that path."


After reading this article which outlines all the steps that MbS has taken to outpower Iran and set itself up as the super power in the Mideast, I think that it is clear that Pompeo’s message about Saudi Arabia having custody of two holy sites was a direct message to the IRAN CABAL. Iran has been in a war of words with Saudi Arabia about control of those sites. It gives Saudi Arabia not only a religious advantage, but a monetary advantage because of the money they get from pilgrimages and tourists to the site.


Hussein tried to give the advantage to Iran with all the billions and nukes he gave them. But then along came Trump and he gave the advantage to Saudi with the purchase of military weapons.

So the issue is not the money we get from Saudi in the purchase of weapons, the issue is the advantage that a strong military gives SA over Iran.

The khoshaggi event is an effort to disrupt the Saudis gaining power.


Potus is letting SA take out Iran

Anonymous ID: 0a978f Oct. 18, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.3521693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Enter the last two American presidential administrations. First, the Obama team seemed to be giving Iran a major leg up by promoting the nuclear deal with Tehran and – just as importantly – working to end many economic sanctions and release up to $150 billion in frozen assets back to the mullahs.


Next, the Trump administration comes in vowing to either nix or radically modify that nuclear deal and bashing Iran in a way no other president ever has. More aggressive anti-Iranian hawks like bin Salman may have seen Donald Trump's election as an excuse to win the day over more dovish princes and ministers. And the White House seemingly gave Saudi Arabia a green light.


Whether the U.S. initiated this or the Saudis took advantage of a new administration, it's not clear where it goes next. Some kind of peace deal or cooperation agreement between the Saudis and the Iranians does not seem very likely. Remember, their dispute goes beyond and long predates America's involvement or seeming favoritism to either side.


But if full blown war breaks out directly between the two countries, it's hard to see the U.S. being able to sit it out without at least some form increased weapons support and other aid. Then it will be up to Iran's possible allies, like Russia and China to make the next move.