Anonymous ID: 1a1515 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3521371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1534 >>1669




Let's not kid ourselves: Democrats have done a lot of winning under this president.


Antifa owns the streets. Yeah they get their asses kicked, but they are free to plot and terrorize the innocent.

If a bunch of right-wingers even began talking publicly about beating up liberals, they'd be vanned and banned in an instant.


Even unorganized Democrats are now on fire to use violence, with the outright encouragement of Democrat leaders. This is pure incitement, and law-abiding Americans are going to be hurt or killed. Zero consequences for incitement.


The caravan of illegals heading north is a replay of the same thing last year. In case you've forgotten, most of them got to stay in the US, to live off the American taxpayer and receive free health care. That was also on President Trump's watch.

Are you living for free and getting free health care?