Anonymous ID: 6e95bf Oct. 18, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3521269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1562 >>1640 >>1676 >>1680


I don't care who they support when they come over here. What don't you fucking understand about European people making up just 7% of the world's population while the Chinese make up almost 45%? They don't need us to help them floruish. I don't want to be outnumbered by Chinese or Hispanics whether they are illegal or not. I don't want my children to have to learn Chinese in the USA and I don't give one hair on a rat's ass whether or not they support a politician I like or not. That shit does not matter when it comes to demographics. The reason people voted for Trump is because deep down they are fearful of being wiped off of the map of the world. And it's a well founded fear as well.


Your loyalty needs to be to your children, your blood, your people, BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE.

Otherwise you do not belong in this movement and you belong with the Marxists.


(PS keep in mind that China is still MAOIST COMMUNIST too)


As God as my witness I will DESTROY this suicidal attitude of the west. THE CONCEPT OF MERITOCRACY DOES NOT EXTEND TO FOREIGNERS.