Anonymous ID: 9f28ff Oct. 18, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.3521717   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1726 >>1751

This should be deployed at Soros events…




Are you tired of annoying people hanging around and loitering on you property or around your business?

Skunk'Um pure skunk essence is the all-natural solution to your loitering problem. Skunk'Um allows you to easily distribute the nasty smell of a real skunk anywhere people, kids etc. are hanging around, making trouble, bothering your customers or just doing nothing. Just mix the powerful pure essence of skunk with water in the provided spray bottle and squirt Skunk'Um where the loiterers hang out - and they won't hang around anymore! After all who wants to sit around where a skunk has just sprayed his stinky smell? This skunk odor spray is the same stench that you smell when you pass a road-killed skunk - Whew! Stinky! Nature's own people repellent!