Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.3521313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1836

Khashoggi Murder Suspect Dies In "Suspicious Car Accident"


A 31-year-old lieutenant in the Saudi Royal Air Force said to have participated in the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi died in a "suspicious car accident" in Riyadh, according to Turkish media.


Mashal Saad al-Bostani was reportedly on a 15-man hit squad dispatched to Saudi Arabia's Istanbul Consulate in Turkey on October 2 during Khashoggi's visit, before the team quickly left the country, according to daily Yeni Şafak.


Albostani entered Turkey at 1:45 a.m. local time (2245GMT). He stayed at the Wyndham Grand Hotel and left the country at 9:46 p.m. local time (1846GMT) on a private jet which belonged to the Sky Prime Aviation company. -Yeni Şafak


Bostani's alleged role in the murder of the Saudi journalist are unclear, as are details of the traffic accident in Riyadh - prompting accusations of a cover up by those who orchestrated the Khashoggi hit. Meanwhile, a columnist for Turkey's Daily Hürriyet wrote on Thursday that Mohammad al Otaibi, Saudi Arabia's Istanbul consul-general, would be "the next execution."


Turkish daily Yeni Şafak reported Oct. 17 that Al-Otaibi’s voice could be heard in one of the recordings, which Turkish authorities are believed to have, of Khashoggi’s “interrogation” at the consulate.


According to the report, after Al-Otaibi told the interrogators to “do it somewhere else outside or I will be in trouble,” he was told to “shut up if you want to live when you are back in Saudi Arabia.”


Al-Otaibi returned to Saudi Arabia on Oct. 16 before his residence in Istanbul was searched by police for more than eight hours on Oct. 17 and Oct. 18. -Daily Hürriyet

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.3521323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1333 >>1391 >>1409

Federal Judge "Shocked" To Find Obama State Dept Lied To Protect Hillary From Email Server Lawsuits


The noose appears to be tightening further around the law-less behaviors of the Obama administration in their frantic efforts to protect former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.


As Fox News reports, the transparency group Judicial Watch initially sued the State Department in 2014, seeking information about the response to the Benghazi attack after the government didn't respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Other parallel lawsuits by Judicial Watch are probing issues like Clinton's server, whose existence was revealed during the course of the litigation.


The State Department had immediately moved to dismiss Judicial Watch's first lawsuit, but U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth (who was appointed to the bench by President Ronald Reagan) denied the request to dismiss the lawsuit at the time, and on Friday, he said he was happy he did, charging that State Department officials had intentionally misled him because other key documents, including those on Clinton's email server, had not in fact been produced.


"It was clear to me that at the time that I ruled initially, that false statements were made to me by career State Department officials, and it became more clear through discovery that the information that I was provided was clearly false regarding the adequacy of the search and this – what we now know turned out to be the Secretary’s email system."


"I don’t know the details of what kind of IG inquiry there was into why these career officials at the State Department would have filed false affidavits with me. I don’t know the details of why the Justice Department lawyers did not know false affidavits were being filed with me, but I was very relieved that I did not accept them and that I allowed limited discovery into what had happened."


In a somewhat stunningly frank exchange with Justice Department lawyer Robert Prince, the judge pressed the issue, accusing Prince of using "doublespeak" and "playing the same word games [Clinton] played."


That "was not true," the judge said, referring to the State Department's assurances in a sworn declaration that it had searched all relevant documents.


"It was a lie."

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.3521369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1379 >>1402 >>1409 >>1517 >>1563 >>1722 >>1872

Breaking: Yesterday’s Indicted Leakers Are Linked to Mueller Team Member ANDREW WEISSMAN and DOJ Fusion GPS Collaborator BRUCE OHR


The indictment of US Treasury officials yesterday is more important than first thought. The individuals indicted have close ties to demoted DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr and Mueller team corrupt attorney Andrew Weissman!


On Tuesday, 40-year-old Natalie May Edwards, the senior advisor in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, was arrested and criminally charged for leaking confidential financial documents relating to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, the Russian embassy and accused Russian spy Maria Butina.


Ms. Edwards, who leaked the documents related to the Manafort case, was interviewed by Ronan Farrow six months ago. It now looks like that was an attempt by her to set herself up as a whistle blower rather than the leaker she is –


Cont. from images:


This may be the tip of the iceberg. Tony Shaffer, retired Intel Operative, states that many more need to be arrested and hints that more are yet to come –

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.3521385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawsuit Alleges Facebook Inflated Video View Statistics to Fool Advertisers


A new lawsuit filing alleges that Facebook purposefully inflated the time spent watching videos on its platform by 150 percent to 900 percent to mislead advertisers and inflate advertising rates.


A lawsuit reported on by the Wall Street Journal alleges that Facebook was aware of issues on how the site measured views of video ads for more than a year before it disclosed the issue in 2016. A group of advertisers brought a lawsuit against the social media firm in 2016 for failing to disclose the error earlier, accusing Facebook of engaging in unfair business practices by publishing inaccurate metrics that overestimated how long users spent watching ads and ultimately misled advertisers.


Later, the group of advertisers added a claim of fraud, and in a filing on Tuesday they have now alleged that Facebook knew of the advertising metric bug as early as January 2015 and determined the nature of the miscalculation within months, but failed to disclose this information to advertisers for over a year. The latest filing came shortly after the advertiser’s review of 80,000 pages of internal Facebook records.


“Facebook’s internal efforts behind the scenes reflect a company mentality of reckless indifference toward the accuracy of its metrics,” the advertisers said in Tuesday’s filing. Facebook responded in a statement saying: “Suggestions that we in any way tried to hide this issue from our partners are false. We told our customers about the error when we discovered it — and updated our help center to explain the issue.”


The Wall Street Journal reported:


Facebook told some advertisers that it likely overestimated average time spent watching videos by 60% to 80%. The plaintiffs alleged in Tuesday’s complaint that the error was much larger and that the average viewership metrics had been inflated by some 150% to 900%.


Facebook also said at the time that the error didn’t affect billings. However, in their complaint, the plaintiffs claim Facebook’s misrepresentations “induced” advertisers to purchase video ads and to pay more for Facebook’s video ads because they believed users were watching videos for longer than they actually were on average.


The claims that Facebook failed to act when it discovered the video metric error were in an August filing, but were heavily redacted at the time. In the latest version of the complaint filed Tuesday, those claims were unredacted.


Jason Kint, chief executive of Digital Content Next, a trade organization that represents online publishers, commented on the latest lawsuit brought against Facebook stated: “Facebook needs to lead with radical marketer and consumer transparency to get past this. We haven’t seen it yet.”


The lawsuit against Facebook is ongoing and will be followed closely by Breitbart News

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3521441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455

After nuclear holocaust, we’ll go to heaven as martyrs; attackers will die as sinners – Putin


If any nation decides to attack Russia with nuclear weapons, it may end life on Earth; but unlike the aggressors, the Russians are sure to go to heaven, President Vladimir Putin has said.


“Any aggressor should know that retribution will be inevitable and he will be destroyed. And since we will be the victims of his aggression, we will be going to heaven as martyrs. They will simply drop dead, won’t even have time to repent,” Putin said during a session of the Valdai Club in Sochi.


He added that Russia’s nuclear forces are not tailored for a pre-emptive strike, and exist as a second-strike capability meant to deter an attack by a foreign nation.


The Russian nuclear doctrine allows for the use of this weapon in a conventional conflict, but only if Russia’s existence is at stake. This presumably gives the Russian military a loophole to use tactical nuclear weapons in the case of a large-scale invasion. The self-imposed restrictions are less harsh than a complete ‘no-first-use’ pledge, which was dropped by Moscow in 1993.


A mock-up of the “Tsar-bomba” (RDS-220) a 100-megaton yield thermonuclear device tested by Soviet Union in 1961, the most powerful ever created. © Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky


The US’ latest nuclear posture review says that Washington may use nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear attack on itself or its allies. It remains vague about the exact circumstances that may trigger such an action. This gave rise to speculation that even a cyberattack may permit a nuclear response. Meanwhile, a call for the creation of small-yield submarine-launched missiles and nuclear-capable sea-launched cruise missiles have only added to concerns that the US is stocking up for some kind of large-scale conflict.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.3521507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand Portal: EU Has Become the Dictatorship It Aimed to Defeat


The European Union’s purposeful bullying of the United Kingdom, and attempt to serve up the independence-seeking nation as an example to other European member states that would consider going it alone, has left it becoming the kind of dictatorship it was created to prevent appearing in Europe, a New Zealand report has claimed.


Published to, New Zealand’s largest news portal which serves as the website for a number of the nation’s best selling newspapers, the article by columnist Karl du Frense slammed the EU and drew clear allusions to previous attempts to force control on Europe by “imperious… Grand Viziers”.


He wrote: “This is not what the visionaries who founded the EU were hoping for, but it’s hardly the first time grand, idealistic projects have had unintended outcomes.”


Noting “the old-fashioned nation-state, forged by its own history, culture, language and sense of identity, is not easily erased”, du Frense said of the unpleasant direction of travel of the European project with its uncompromising treatment of Britain:


The message to other EU member countries is that they can expect similar treatment should they dare consider leaving. But the more striking message these men send to the watching world is that the protection of Fortress Europe trumps the democratic right of the British people to decide their own future.


… As the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt wryly observed recently: “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving.”


You have to wonder how many countries would have joined the EU had they realised what it would turn into – a surreal Hotel California where you could check out any time you like but never leave.


Frustration continues to grow in Britain over the Brexit process, led by Prime Minister Theresa May who has been accused of giving away a number of negotiating concessions to the European Union, without having gained any progress in return.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.3521518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1696

Lawmakers Press For Details On FBI Official Who Accepted Gifts From Reporters


Three House and Senate committees have pressed the Justice Department’s watchdog for more information about a senior FBI official who accepted tickets to sporting events from reporters and lied to investigators about it.


The chairmen of the Senate Judiciary, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and House Oversight & Government Reform Committees have asked the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to provide a full copy of a report about the official, who remains unidentified.


A summary of the report released Tuesday said the FBI official “accepted two tickets to a professional sports game as a gift from a television news correspondent who regularly covered the FBI and DOJ, in violation of federal regulations.”


The official also accepted tickets from a second reporter, but lied to investigators about both exchanges.


“The senior FBI official initially maintained to the OIG in an interview under oath that the official had paid for the tickets, but five days later admitted to the OIG that the official did not. The OIG found that the senior FBI official lacked candor with the OIG in several respects about the tickets,” reads the report.


The official resigned from office during the probe and is not being recommended for prosecution.


The OIG, led by Michael Horowitz, has uncovered numerous examples of impropriety at the FBI during an investigation into the bureau’s handling of its two most high-profile investigations, the Hillary Clinton email and the Trump-Russia probes.


Horowitz’s office discovered anti-Trump text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Strzok, who oversaw the Trump-Russia probe, was removed from the special counsel’s investigation in July 2017 over the texts. He was fired on Aug. 13.


Page, an FBI attorney, resigned from the FBI on May 4.


Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was also fired because of the results of the OIG probe.


The OIG determined that McCabe displayed a lack of candor under oath when asked whether he authorized leaks to The Wall Street Journal in October 2016 about an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s family foundation.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.3521531   🗄️.is 🔗kun

50 Migrants Arrested in South Texas Smuggling Attempts


Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector disrupted three human smuggling attempts leading to the arrests of more than 50 migrants. The incidents occurred during a traffic stop and two immigration inspections at a checkpoint.


Laredo Sector agents received a call for assistance from a local law enforcement agency shortly after midnight on October 16. A Webb County Sheriff’s Office deputy made a traffic stop on Highway 59 near Laredo, Texas, and discovered what he believed to be a load of migrants being smuggled in a vehicle, according to Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials.


The agents responded and found the deputy with 10 migrants. An interview determined that all 10 were illegally present in the United States. The agents search the area near the vehicle and found two more hiding in the brush. The dozen arrested migrants included four Unaccompanied Alien Children. All were taken to the Laredo Station for processing.


The deputy seized the vehicle for the Webb County Sheriff’s Office. The search of the brush did not uncover the driver, who fled the scene.


Later that afternoon, agents assigned to the Interstate Highway 35 Checkpoint observed a pickup truck approaching for inspection. During the initial interview, a K-9 agent alerted to the possible presence of drugs or human cargo in the truck. The agent referred the driver to a secondary inspection station where a search of the truck uncovered four migrants. The agents found two of the migrants hiding behind the back seat of the truck while the other two were in a locked toolbox in the bed of the truck.


The agents seized the truck and placed all of the occupants in custody for immigration violations and possible human smuggling charges.


Agents assigned to the same checkpoint observed a tractor-trailer approaching for inspection later that evening. During the initial inspection, the agents determined the driver to be a U.S. citizen. The agents directed the driver to a secondary inspection station. The search of the trailer revealed a group of 37 migrants locked in the back. The agents arrested the driver and the migrants. They also seized the tractor-trailer.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3521541   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brazil Election - Haddad (PT) Claims Steve “Bannon Is A Specialist In Spreading Terror”


With the election only 10 days away and Mr Fernando Haddad, the leftwing candidate of the ruling Workers Party trailing by a good 20%, the heavy attack ads have been launched.


Yesterday, Mr Haddad lit up social media with a video showing leading candidate Mr Jair Bolsonaro’s links to Mr Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist.


Set against ominous dark backgrounds and showing pictures of klu klux klan members making Nazi salutes, a narrator asks viewers: “Do you really know who Bolsonaro is? Do you know who supports him?” before then responding: “Steve Bannon.”


Related coverage: Brazil Election - Bolsonaro Widening Poll Lead With 12 Days Left


“Steve Bannon is accused of sabotaging democratic regimes around the world. He uses fake news to spread fear and violence to win elections.”


“Bannon is a specialist in spreading terror around the world. Bolsonaro has spent the last 30 years doing this in Brazil.”


The video furthermore shows images of people being tortured and was clearly created to scare Brazilians of what would happen in a nation governed by Mr Bolsonaro, a former army captain.


Although Mr Bolsonaro’s camp stated immediately that any direct link between Mr Bannon and himself should be seen as ‘fake news,’ there was indeed an Instagram picture a few months ago that suggested otherwise. At that moment, it was Mr Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo who posed with Mr Bannon and stated: “We had a great conversation and we share the same worldview. Mr Bannon stated that he was an enthusiast for Jair Bolsonaro’s campaign and we will certainly be in contact to join forces, above all against cultural marxism.”


The problem is that only this Tuesday former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke stated that he very much liked Mr Bolsonaro, saying “he sounds like us.”

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.3521556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769

Mussolini’s granddaughter threatens to report people offending fascist leader, causes Twitter storm


Italian Twitterati suddenly found themselves in hot debate on Mussolini, and that’s because his granddaughter threatened to report anyone who dared to post anything offensive about the fascist leader to the police.


Alessandra Mussolini catapulted herself onto an online battlefield on Wednesday after she tweeted that lawyers are at work to verify Facebook and other social media channels’ ‘political correctness’ in regards to pictures and/or offensive messages about her grandfather. She then added that whoever is suspected of posting insulting material will be monitored and reported to the police.


Alessandra Mussolini, who has since 2014 been a member of the European Parliament for Italy’s right-wing party Forza Italia, immediately drew a mixture of irony, disgust and outcry with her controversial tweet.


Journalist Luca Bottura hit out saying: “Good morning, I am auto-reporting myself: Mussolini was a disgusting dictator that sent 300,000 Italians to die and killed 150,000 civilians, not to mention the Jews delivered to Hitler or gassed by us.”


One reply noted that Mussolini’s call could itself turn out to be an offence as it may be considered an apology of fascism, considered a crime in Italy, Italy’s Corriera della Sera newspaper reported.


Another Twitter user, who described himself as “antifascist at heart”, said: “Your grandfather was the protagonist of one of the darkest moments in Italian history and many Italians died because of him,” before pointing to the “tragedy” of the racial laws implemented by his party.


One woman said she has “no words”, before going on: “What do you really think we should say, that he was a good person? Try and explain that to my grandfather who only by a miracle managed to come back from Russia… for which he had left with a coat and some paper shoes.


“The only dictatorship in Italy is fascist!”


While one got a lot of support when he queried, “Mussolini who?


“The one that got Jews, gay, Roma and political opponents killed in concentration camps?


“The one who brought Italy to starvation and a devastating war?"


He concluded saying that while he doesn’t believe she should be ashamed, he can’t come to terms with how the MEP could be “proud” of herself as a descendant of Mussolini.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3521612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1621 >>1942

Putin Hints At New Russia-Saudi Axis: "No Reason To Spoil Saudi Ties Over Khashoggi Killing"


Russian President Vladimir Putin finally weighed in on the disappearance (and purportedly brutal slaying) of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi during a speech in Sochi on Thursday. His verdict? Russia doesn't have enough information about the incident to justify spoiling their relationship with Saudi Arabia (and, by extension, the rest of OPEC, which has mostly backed Saudi Arabia during the burgeoning diplomatic crisis), according to Reuters.


Putin's take is hardly surprising: Russia's work with OPEC, which created a new Russia-Saudi axis to help manage global oil production and push up prices, has helped revive the Russian economy (while angering President Trump). Of course, Russia would be overjoyed to step in to any void left by the US if lawmakers force a rupture in the US-Saudi relationship, as evidenced by the recent agreement to sell Russian S-400 missiles to the Saudis. Two weeks ago, Putin criticized the US and its sanctions against Russia, Iran and others, saying the US was "making a colossal mistake" and risked undermining the dollar in its role as the global reserve currency.


The IMF now believes Russian GDP will grow by 1.8% next year, up from a previous report published in July, which projected Russia's GDP growth at 1.7% in 2019, with growth supported by stronger domestic demand and higher fuel prices.


Besides, OPEC already has its hands full dealing with the US. As Reuters reported on Wednesday, OPEC has urged its members not to mention the price of oil to avoid provoking US lawmakers from renewing support for the NOPEC bill, which could open OPEC members up to legal action. Given Trump's critical attitude toward the bloc, there's reason to believe that he could break with the precedent of past presidents and consider signing the bill (though, to be sure, that would risk scuttling a reported US plan to undermine Iranian crude imports after sanctions are re-imposed on Nov. 4).


With Russia and Trump both criticizing the rush to judgment that has spurred what has become a full-blown diplomatic crisis, we imagine the US intelligence community or some critics of the president will find a way to condemn this as yet another example of collusion with the Russians. And the fact that Putin defended Trump during his talk, saying Trump "listened to him" and has been keen to restore US-Russia relations, per Business Insider.


"Maybe he acts like that with someone else, but in that case they are to blame. I have a completely normal and professional dialogue with him and of course he listens," Putin said.


Already, the intelligence community is using similar tactics from the runup to the Mueller probe to undermine the administration's position on Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3521644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1678 >>1952

The Man The CIA Wants You To Forget


Michael C. Ruppert was an ex-LAPD Narcotics Detective and whistleblower who came out against the CIA in the late 70’s. He claimed they tried to enlist him in protecting and helping to facilitate their drug running practices. When Ruppert declined involvement and came forward he said he was threatened, wrongly discredited, and even shot at, but that didn’t stop him from speaking up.


“I will tell you, director Deutch, that as a former LosAngeles police narcotics detective that the agency has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long time.” – Michael C. Ruppert


At a now infamous town hall hearing in LA, he faced off against the chief of the CIA with a packed room of people from the South-Central area cheering him on from the crowd. It was not only the unlawful behavior Ruppert wanted to expose, but also the incredible hypocrisy of the CIA and the LAPD for bringing cocaine and other drugs into the community, and then locking up small-time drug dealers and users.


These imported drugs were ripping apart communities with widespread effects like addiction, increased crime and gang activity, overdose deaths, and many incarcerations that broke up families leading to cycles of crime that spanned generations. You can see the video of the emotional town hall meeting below.


He Didn’t Stop There


Michael Ruppert spent most of his life trying to expose criminality at the highest levels. Tackling everything from the peak oil crisis to the military industrial complex. He also believed that 9/11 was allowed to happen by the Bush administration.


” 9-11 was a predictable event and it was motivated precisely and solely by Peak Oil and nothing else.” – Michael C. Ruppert (source)


Ruppert became a published author and gained more notoriety for his controversial book “Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World.” That ended up inspiring the eye-opening documentary “Collapse”, which is a worthwhile watch to start understanding the deep levels of corruption and cover-up that has been taking place around the globe.


No matter your thoughts on the legitimacy of Ruppert’s claims, it’s clear he wasn’t afraid of taking on the Goliaths of the world but for doing so was branded by many throughout the mainstream media as a wild conspiracy theorist.


“All corporate-owned and publicly-traded media is our first and foremost immediate enemy.” Michael C. Ruppert

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.3521673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1735 >>1872

Putin: Russia Will Use Nukes Only if Someone Launches Strike on Its Territory


Speaking at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin has touched upon a wide array of issues, including the ongoing war in Syria, nuclear weapons, defense policy and bilateral relations with the US, China and Japan.

Daesh Took 700 Hostages in US-Controlled Area in Syria


"We now see what is happening on the left bank of the Euphrates River, our colleagues know that. This territory is under the protection of our American partners, they rely there on the Kurdish armed forces. But they obviously did not work it through, members of Daesh remained in several settlements,” Putin said at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi.


The president further stressed that Daesh had recently started expanding its presence, taking 130 families hostage, which is nearly 700 people, including US and European nationals, in part of Syria controlled by US-backed forces.


"They [terrorists] put forward ultimatums and certain demands, and warned that if these ultimatums are not followed up to, they will be gunning down 10 people everyday. The day before yesterday they executed ten people," Putin stressed.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3521761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1768 >>1790 >>1872

Tom Fitton: The Entire Basis of the Mueller Operation Should be Questioned


October 18, 2018- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox and Friends First” on the Fox News Channel to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller expected to report key findings after the Midterms.

Anonymous ID: a19a45 Oct. 18, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3521821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Threatens Gaza With More Military Actions As Tensions Grow Further


After a 5,5-hour meeting on October 17, the Israeli security cabinet adopted a new policy, under which the Israeli military will step up its response to any attacks from the Palestinian Gaza Strip. According to the Times of Israel, the new policy, that will change the “rules of the game,” will be implemented starting on October 19.


During the long meeting, Israeli’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman pushed for a large-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip to deter the Hamas Movement. However, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, wanted a more flexible approach and he was able to pass it with support from the military.


“I will not refer to the content of the cabinet discussions, but I can say one thing very explicitly – the rules of the game are about to change … We will no longer accept the arson terror and the fence terror,” the Israeli Arutz Sheva quoted Yoav Galant, a minister and a member of the security cabinet, as saying.


The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, which is a military wing of the Hamas Movement, responded to Israel’s new policy by releasing a short video message entitled “Don’t Dear To Misjudge.” The message shows al-Qassam fighters loading heavy rockets into a launcher in an apparent threat to Israel.


The Gaza Strip will likely witness a dangerous escalation in the upcoming few days, as Palestinian activists are planning to hold new protest on October 19. Israel will likely respond violently to any incident, which may occur during the protest. In the worst case scenario, it can trigger an open military confrontation of Israel with the Hamas Movement.