Anonymous ID: aaa6ab Oct. 18, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.3521789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had a thought about a month ago pertaining to the release of unredacted documents that prove the guilt of many Obama era administrators.


My thinking was that POTUS would hold documents until 2020 IF Republicans kept control over the House and Senate (to secure his re-election campaign), and that POTUS would unleash 'D5' avalanche if Republicans were ousted in either the House or Senate.


But after seeing the recent events like the Supreme Court reviewing FB, Twitter, Google, et. al. censorship, massive arrests for healthcare fraud, the growing number of sealed proceedings, and the constant attacks against POTUS' administration … well, I believe that POTUS may redact many documents after Mueller wraps up his investigation.


The amount of winning that we have been seeing trickle in is about to (in my opinion) turn into a waterfall of WINNING.