I am leaning toward extradition op. Using oops this guy did it cover.
#1.Why would Turkey say "Hey, We have been bugging the Embassy and this is what we have". No acknowlegement from SA on having their Embassy bugged. Normally you would be pissed. You would also shut it down while sweeping it. No notice of shut down.
#2. This sets up as Turkey being a white hat for at least this op. Don't know what they are getting in return at this point. But it ties into getting the Pastor dude home trend.
#3. Clean up. All the furnature would need to be replaced. Lots of blood to be cleaned. Not plausable that the only thing found is new paint and some chemical odor.
#4. I think the outcry for extraditing him home would be worse than oops he's dead.
Many twists and turns. I could be wrong but there are inconsistancies.