So does our Sec. of Treasury.
So does our Sec. of Treasury.
It was Saudi Embassy!
If that were so (i.e. DS actors), you'd have seen a much stronger response from MBS (and King Salman).
Instead we see piecewise acknowledgment of some "rogue actor overstepping his authority" or some "botched interrogation" explanation or whatever else.
Best way to deal with it would be to come clean, which obviously they do not do. So much so, that now even Pence (and POTUS) acknowledge the inconvenient looks of what's come out so far ….
I don't know either – how could I. But I do observe what's being said & happening, and it's quite likely MBS is the one who (so unfortunately short before elections) overplayed a "free hand" he was given back then by POTUS.
Khashoggi was certainly dirty as fuck, but that makes him just another high-ranking "Saudi".
Because I am not naive enough to believe the Saudis actually indeed changed: They've replaced one rogue clique of people with another. MBS likes his coke probably just the same as Al-Waleed does/did …
I'd never trust them as my "ally", and I am sure they will change "allegiances" again as soon as they see fit (or Trump is not POTUS anymore).
If "we're saving humanity" here – then I'd expect much more honesty in this respect (from our leaders), as they (Saudis) still do all kinds of dirty shit with their money ….
This is a real fuck up, esp. so short before US midterms. Pence, POTUS, Pompeo all are (almost literally) begging for an explanation ….
Instead we get piecewise truths (and nobody still knows what the Turks actually have) – and be sure, they are sweeping the embassy right now !!
Nothing easier than publishing a picture of him captured somewhere in SA … but that's not what they do ….. instead people die mysteriously and a leading saudi pathologist was in Turkey/the embassy at the time … more than interesting to observe how that plays out, and for the sake of these midterms, I'd emplore POTUS to take action (and not do what the MSM like him most to do, i.e. nothing).