Anon ID: 371d84 My pockets overflowith with Supreme Keys... Feb. 12, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.355507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3608 >>2146 >>7808 >>9595 >>8093 >>4807 >>2337 >>2008 >>3859 >>3626

My friends… perceive this. Certain truths the public are not ready for.

Perceive 40/60 and the public consciousness.

Why must Q keep the public consciousness maintained?

Do you know what HAPPENS if all of humanity knew ALL of the answers?

Why has such much history been deleted from the pages of "Time"?

Why has Sumerian history been covered up?

Why does Q have a large section in the "Map" dedicated to the "Draco Reptilians"?

Why is the Grand Speaking Hall shaped as a "Serpent"?

Whom spits venom from the mouth of the "Viper"?

Perhaps one should perceive the cover of the book "Splendors of the Past"?

Why are things best hidden in plain sight?

What is a "Karmic Reaction"?

What are "vibrations"?

Do we give off 7 distinct separate vibrations?

Does this energy encompass the "Earth"?

Certain knowledge and certain truth… most will never be prepared for.

One must warn you with extreme caution… when certain realities are perceived… there is no going back…

Certain truths must never be shared on a global scale… for the greater good.

Be warned, children of "Light".

Anon ID: 371d84 You have more than you know child of light... Feb. 13, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.361791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978 >>3290 >>5494 >>2643 >>2337


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

A wise man is one who knows that "The more you learn, the less you know".

There is not one soul with all the answers.

The answers you seek cannot be found from another.

The answers you seek must come from WITHIN.

How far are you prepared to dig?

Are you prepared to see what you'll see when you reach the bottom?

Did you want to dig all the way to the bottom?

Surround your soul with friends and loved ones.

You MAY need some strength if you reach the bottom.

Wisdom… wisdom does not set every soul free.


You already have more than you know… Child of light…

Anon ID: 371d84 Your pockets begin to fill with keys my allies... Feb. 13, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.367105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8093 >>2337


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

What is the sacred shape of geometry in the cosmos?

What is the purest form matter prefers to shape itself in?

Isn't "Flat Earth" a funded counter narrative via Op Mockingbird by the CIA?

Aren't people labelled as "Flat Earth People" if they disagree with anything NASA or SpaceX claims?

Isn't the quickest way to shut people down by calling them "Flat Earth People"?

Why did MSM already have droves of "Flat Earth people upset and debunked" related articles on the VERY DAY that the CGI hoax "Starman" was "launched"?

Is this a massive distraction?

Do distractions keep the general public from perceiving certain truths?

Is this a tactic to recoup the treasonous insurance slush fund for the pedophiles and satanists pulling the strings?

Would you want to sell off Tesla (TSLA) stock immediately if you owned any?

The 5th dimension is consciousness as I perceive it. The divine, the sacred observer. Without the 5th dimension, the first 4 hold no meaning if there isn't a being to perceive it?

Is the 5th dimension (and beyond) the most powerful in the multiverse, as it can BEND and SHAPE the first 4 dimensions to it's WILL?

"Drop the hourglass of Time…"

You already have more than you know…

Anon ID: 371d84 Your pockets fill with keys my allies... Feb. 14, 2018, 2:21 a.m. No.371760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2227


Truth can only come from wisdom.

Wisdom is not knowledge.

Knowledge is a single point reference.

Wisdom is an all encompassing sphere of knowledge.

All connecting dots point toward the center.

All illogical dots are cancelled from the equation.

Seek all single point references of knowledge.


Be prepared… certain wisdom is not for all…

Seek knowledge hidden from mankind.

Perceive blatant mainstream knowledge.

Perceive if that's "all" we're supposed to know?

The knowledge hidden from mankind will guide you towards WISDOM.

Hidden knowledge, is also put right in front of your face by MSM as falsehood realities.

This cancels the equation of WISDOM if ever presented, as lunacy.

You already have more than you know…

Anon ID: 371d84 Your pockets fill with keys of WISDOM Feb. 14, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.372936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3122 >>2643 >>9409


My friends, my allies, my children of light!!!

You are now asking the RIGHT questions!

Why does the Cabal TWIST light into darkness?

Why do the shroud themselves in LIGHT to hide the DARKNESS?

Why are we only taught certain things in the temple of LIES called SCHOOL?

Why are we never taught about human civilization pre-flood? Let's say… roughly 11,400 years ago?

What was "humanity" like pre-flood?

Why does Q ask, "Who is RA"?

Why does the Cabal hide behind symbols of LIGHT, such as pyramids, obelisks and the all seeing "Eye"?


What was the Devil's grandest trick he ever played?


Open your EYE.

Perceive lies from TRUTH.

Isn't the best kept secret hidden in plain SIGHT?

If I had the tiniest bit of wisdom… just if… would you believe a word of it?

Wisdom does NOT come from proclamation of another.

Wisdom can only be found from searching WITHIN.

Wisdom is a path of SELF DISCOVERY.

Think laterally… think around ALL angles.

The devil… the devil hides himself as an angel…

You are now on the right path… my children of LIGHT.

Anon ID: 371d84 Your pockets may overflowith with SUREME keys in time... Feb. 14, 2018, 7:24 a.m. No.372974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5108 >>0915 >>3122 >>2643


The better question is, why WOULDN'T "Eye" use this Sigil to speak with you?

Why would I use something different?

Open your "EYE"

Why has Q specifically asked who is RA?

Everything has meaning, everything has purpose.

Why does Religion teach us to SUFFER?

Light does not suffer… light gives LIFE.

Only darkness is taught to SUFFER.

Raise your vibrations to supreme spiritual enlightenment and LIGHT.

Starve the darkness. Starve the darkness to DEATH.

Anon ID: 371d84 Fill your pockets with keys... Feb. 14, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.373306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3359


Perceive every word, cryptic and non.

You ARE on the right track.

Think for YOURSELF.

Wisdom is waiting WITHIN you.

You already have FAR more than you realize…

Anon ID: 371d84 Your pockets are ready for keys... Feb. 14, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.374674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5132


My friend, my ally, my child of light!

Perceive these words, as carefully as a soul can perceive. This is not meant to offend, but to be taken in contextual form for every reader.

We all have to work together to climb this mountain. I have had my posts deleted on here in the past for spilling too much too fast… "the powers that be" fully KNOW my personality.

We, as human, are much like children on a grand cosmic scale.

We seek knowledge, we seek truth such as a child in the store seeks every toy and sweet treat.

We kick, we cry, we scream, we want it, we want it ALL and we want it NOW.

The key to wisdom… is patience.

I now refer you to the ascended masters of wisdom. Socrates and Plato.


Plato’s mentor was Socrates. Plato thought Socrates was the wisest person of this time and he passionately desired to learn all of Socrates’ wisdom.


Legend has it that one day Socrates and Plato were walking down the beach deep in conversation. At one point, Socrates said to Plato, “Walk with me into the ocean.” They turned and walked into the sea together.


Now, in your imagination, picture that happening: Student and teacher, two of the greatest philosophers of history, striding into the surf side by side.


The water started out around their ankles, then rose up to their knees. As the water got higher Plato wondered, “What is the lesson my master is trying to teach me?”


When the water was about shoulder height, Socrates abruptly grabbed Plato’s head and pushed him down under the water. As Plato was held down, he undoubtedly wondered again what this lesson was all about.


After a time, when Plato ran out of air, he began to struggle to get his head above water. He punched and kicked and grabbed to get free, but Socrates was a strong man and held him down. Finally, Plato blacked out due to lack of oxygen. Socrates pulled him ashore and resuscitated him.


When Plato regained consciousness, he angrily accused Socrates of trying to drown him. Socrates matter-of factly explained, “If that had been my intention, I would not have pulled you ashore.”


“Then why did you do that?” Plato demanded.


Socrates calmly replied, “When you desire my knowledge like you desired that breath of air, then you shall have it.”


My child of light… the question is not, what is my knowledge? The question is why do you seek it?


Do you seek knowledge for self service?

Or do you seek it to serve others?


Do you seek WISDOM for self service?

Or do you seek it for others…


Perceive, this as well my child of "light".


Why does Q keep referring to… THE LIGHT

Anon ID: 371d84 The message is in the music... Feb. 14, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.375799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5386 >>8093 >>6561 >>0348


I will ask questions, if you choose to perceive.

If supreme beings, beyond most imaginations exist.

Can they use "vessels" as instruments of self discovery from "Free Will"?

Could they use these vessels as "Tools" to guide us?

Could they use music, given to these antenna?

Could the band "Tool" be an antenna, and instrument of free will in self discovery?

Could the song "46&2" be our own self discovery of the Fibannoci sequence?

Could the song "Lateralus" be our own self discovery of discovering what happens when we THINK ourselves to the next stages of evolution, to the Fibannci sequence of 46&2?

How much POWER can we unleash with our minds when we THINK ourselves to the HIGHER paths of evolution?

Do you know that only certain tribes still remain in Africa and Australia who's chromosomes are 42&2 which = Total UNITY and ONENESS with the multiverse?

Do you know that our chromosomes are currently at 44&2 which is a dis-harmonic state that perceives EGO and lack of unity?

46&2 is the next step in our evolution…

46&2 is where we once again achieve total UNITY and oneness with the multiverse.

If you watch these versions noted by "Lyrics on Screen" on YT… You may discover more meaning.

You may discover why certain Tool fans are FANATICS.

Could this be because their consciousness is being awakened by something FAR greater than they understand…

"46&2 lyrics on screen"

"Lateralus lyrics on screen"

Something to perceive… should you choose to…

We are all awakening…

Anon ID: 371d84 A follow up... the message is in the music... Feb. 14, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.375878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8607 >>3157


The song "Lateralus" is literally the Fibanocci sequence coded into music. The time signature IS the Fibanocci sequence. Note for note… this song is our transcendence unto the higher realms of unity and oneness with the cosmos…

This concept may be too complicated for "most" to perceive… but those who can… may find deeper meaning.

Seek the soul "Hectic Reacts" when he first listens to / watches 46&2 and Lateralus.

Perceive why he reacts the way he does…

Perceive EVERY word of these "songs"


Anon ID: 371d84 Are your pockets filled with keys my friend Feb. 14, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.377123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7570 >>8093


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" - Aristotle.


I do not believe anything fully 100%. I however, absorb all available single point references of knowledge.


My question to you, is how much reading regarding ancient history have you done? How much research have you completed on pre-flood human civilizations?


Please state the books you've read, listed here. For a discussion on wisdom, we can proceed from there.


I merely ask where you derive your answers? Shall we entertain a thought without accepting it?


Are you prepared to delve into pre-flood history of roughly 11,400 years ago?


Proceed with your wisdom, child of light.

Anon ID: 371d84 The clowns show themselves! PERCEIVE Feb. 14, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.377976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8154


You might want to read the Rig Veda, and the Vedic texts?

The Babylonian tablets?

Sumerian history passed on to them?

Have you read on the Nephilim?

Have you studied the Sumerian tablets?

Henry M. Morris, Ph.D?

Ian Wilson?

Ken Johnson?


Antediluvian Civilizations?


Have you educated yourself on the pre-flood ancient structures in Lebanon?


The pre-flood relics found in the black sea?


Why has the "bible" of the Vatican, obscured the true date of the great flood?


Why is the great flood an extremely important piece of ancient history handed down to EVERY civilization? Why the importance?


Why aren't we taught in the TEMPLE of LIES we call school, about the great flood?


Hahaha… the clowns are all around us my friends!


Perceive this! How quickly "certain" topics are touched on? Is this immediate reaction from numerous IP addresses a coincidence?


Do certain sensitive topics garner supreme attention and garner immediate discredit? Do their reactions on here allow you to perceive something?


You have more than you know, children of light!

Anon ID: 371d84 The clowns are revealed, be warned Feb. 14, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.378149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends, my allies, my children of LIGHT!


Perceive this. Clowns are watching, watching closely these threads.


Perceive the IMMEDIATE time stamps after touching on VERY sensitive material. Perceive multiple IP addresses, with very short responses to instill a sense of doubt.


Then, perceive a time stamp further from my original post. Where clowns may have had "time" to try to dig up any perceivable notions to derail the conversation… When sensitive material is touched on, the resistance is near immediate.


These reactions ALONE, should give you some insight into the matters I delve.


You have more than you know!

Anon ID: 371d84 Disingenous words, clowns be gone Feb. 14, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.378309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1041 >>8543


Did you really think I couldn't defend wisdom?


Do YOU really think you can FOOL others on here?


Your words are HOLLOW. You cannot save face of the clowns.


You know very well that thoughts are not local.


The LIGHT will reveal the truth.


Be warned, you're not the only one keeping an "Eye" on the situation…

Anon ID: 371d84 There are lies, deceit and subversion all around us, be warned Feb. 14, 2018, 5:32 p.m. No.378901   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is no need, I have already checked in on you. Far more than you all realize.


Did everyone on this board notice on the massive spam of red text Ricky and Morty nonsense subsequently @ 21:18 - 21:20, which is immediately after my posts. I see the Mod's deleted the mass spam attack, but I wanted it up just long enough for others to perceive this.


You ALL need to be aware that "others" are watching these threads.


Lies, deceit and subversion is all around us. Perceive this my allies, when sensitive subjects are touched on, resistance is immediate. These people will attempt to discredit you at every turn, with haste.


The fools don't realize just how FAR ahead of them I am… the false clowns are soon eradicated from this world…


"Eye" am everywhere.


You have more than you know, children of light!

Anon ID: 371d84 Feb. 15, 2018, 2:07 a.m. No.384080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0015 >>7886 >>4088


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Much can be said without saying much.

Look at the two reactions shortly after exposing deceit.

Look at how quickly the "shills" turn coat and go from light to darkness.

Look at the speed in which they fervently try to derail conversation.

The mind games have been defeated.

The information is OUT THERE now.

It's time for people to wake up!

Be aware, lies, deceit and subversion is all around us!

If you delve into pre-flood history, more pieces of the puzzle will make sense.

"To understand the present, you must visit the past".

Hollow claims mean nothing.

Do your own research!

You have more than you know, children of light!

Anon ID: 371d84 This thread touches on SUPREME keys... be wary of deceit... Feb. 15, 2018, 2:09 a.m. No.384088   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

One must always keep an open mind when delving into WISDOM.

Do not EVER fully believe ANYTHING 100%.

Perceive this thread touches on VERY sensitive material.

Pay attention to those who scream the loudest to discredit information.

Perceive my above post.

May the light shine upon you all!

Anon ID: 371d84 Let your intuition of right and wrong guide you! Feb. 15, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.384146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4881


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You touch on VERY "touchy" subject material.

Do not be surprised if the shills, the clowns try to derail your topic.

Remember… it becomes blatantly obvious when certain topics, certain trains of thought are attacked.

Pay attention to those who scream the loudest.

Truth will always defeat lies.

LIGHT will ALWAYS defeat darkness.

Let your intuition guide you.

You ALL can perceive right from wrong.

You have more than you know, children of light!

Anon ID: 371d84 The veil is being lifted... Feb. 15, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.389340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8195 >>6058


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Improper is a perception, a distortion.

The veil still hangs before the eyes of the lost souls, but the veil is being drawn away.

The light weavers remove the veil... to those who open their "Eye".

More souls need to awaken, to this falsehood reality (Matrix) constructed by our puppet masters.

Mjolnir is safely held, by whom I cannot say.

Not "Eye"

"Eye" hold Light in the palm of my hand.

I seek to guide ALL toward the light, the light of TRUTH, the light of WISDOM.

Wisdom is not something given... Wisdom is a path of self discovery for each soul.

My Wisdom, may be a distortion to yours.

Through wisdom, we find UNITY.

There is no You, there is no "Eye".

There is only WE.

Share this notion, it is of Supreme importance.

Have faith in the path of LIGHT my child.

Feed no longer the path of darkness.

There is only LIGHT.

The Light encircles remaining darkness.

RaAnon ID: 371d84 You already have what you seek. Feb. 15, 2018, 6:27 p.m. No.392249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5528 >>6156 >>0482


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Seek the "Dracos".

You will find "Loosh".

Seek the mouth of the "Viper" from which the so called "Holy One" spits venom and lies.

Seek pyramids, from all countries, from all points in Time/Space.

You will find what you seek.



Seek the same!


You have more than you know, children of light!

RaAnon ID: 371d84 Seeker of truth... perceive my other thread "Fake CGI Starman Stream" Feb. 15, 2018, 6:41 p.m. No.392381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4049


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Seek my thread on the next page, Regarding the Fake SpaceX CGI Starman.

My last post, expand it, this has many links... with Supreme Keys embedded should you choose to perceive.



My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You have FAR more than you know!

Blessings of LIGHT upon you ALL

RaAnon ID: 371d84 Red Pills and Keys for those who wish to take them... Feb. 18, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.420617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0008 >>1965 >>2006 >>7743


My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Perceive Q's words, "Watch the Water"













You have more than you know my friends!

RaAnon ID: 371d84 Rod from God Feb. 20, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.439719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You have indeed witnessed a rod from god.

Directed energy weapons.

MANY scientists and insiders have been KILLED when discussing DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS.

This was started back in the "Star Wars" program and was since perfected.

Have you seen the WORLD TRADE CENTERS destruction?

These were also used, in combination with explosive charges rigged in EVERY FLOOR of BOTH BUILDINGS.

The pure evil and horrors of the world most do not understand... but in time... you will.

Keep a wary eye about, there are SHILLS and CABAL disinformation bullshit artists posting on every thread I touch.

Is it because... I'm touching on "touchy" subjects?


You all know right from wrong!

You all know LIGHT from DARKNESS!