If you have been reading the shit show of the last 50 posts as serious credible stuff — you are already lost.
In case you didn't notice the string of "I agree…, followed by slides to contradictory topics, Egytian & Greek Mythology, Gnostic pseudo -religion (Jesus was just a man, but a very wise man sent to tech you about gaining knowledge to make "Heaven on Earth, Ariannism (a la Hitler's Ayran Umbermensche).
What you see above is a massive attack that appeared to succeed, which means it will probably continue, but they are out of fresh material so expect repetition of old post.
You should re-read the "How to Spot a Shill" as this is a ttextbook case
They want to drive people away by making this board appear to be all lunatics.
It may work as planned because anons are so gullible.
Q monitors this board so might decide to take him info to a more mature, rational forum.
The last couple hours of posts read like a mob who forgot to take their Prozac