Anonymous ID: 3fd785 Oct. 22, 2018, 5:25 a.m. No.3561011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is nothing new to many of you, that there are those in command /control of your Planet Earth that have an ideal to reduce the ‘numbers’ of those who live upon it. Their plans to bring this about are quite severe. Yet, there are certain Universal ‘Laws/Rules’ that have to be abided by and these plans that are underway are breaking all the rules.




Even though ‘they’ think they are getting away with it … intervention shall be called in to counteract such devious thoughts and plans.


No matter what any of you may have heard or read and maintained into your ‘thought system’ … it will not be ALLOWED to ‘go as far’ as the intent of the hierarchy that is in place.


We clarify, due to your thoughts Blossom, that by hierarchy, in this ‘placement’ we speak of those in a Higher ranking system that is NOT for the greatest good.


We would like to return to the Energy Containers.


Good. Should I here, neatly slip in about the ‘Pillars of Light’? I know it was the end of 2011 when you spoke of those. I know, because I threw a tantrum and decided to ‘knock off’ our communications for a while due to a misunderstanding of time zones! So, are these containers part of the Pillars of Light?


Yes, they are. Very much so.


If you recall, in the channelling through of the message of old … we explained that the ‘Energy blocks’ were a condensed version. For want of a better way of putting it.


An easier way to ‘show’ would be that of a small piece of sponge and when immersed in water … it expands. A poor, yet, understandable analysis!


Therefore, when the timing is correct … certain ‘portions’ of this block are carefully removed, and released into your Energy fields.


You want to say something else about before they are released, don’t you?


Yes. Thank you … it was a matter of order of wording. Yet, to slip back into the position of portions being carefully removed … they are then … …


Wow! We are both struggling here to get this across. Words, words, words. As you say … so inadequate. I can see in my mind what you mean, yet, no words to express. Let’s keep on trying.


Many thanks. These portions are then … ‘sectioned’ and … how would we say in your terms? The easiest way being … put into ‘Chambers’, where their ‘role’ is made clear. In that … within these ‘Chambers’ … information is ‘infused’ into them. When complete, they are ‘sealed’ and ‘treated’ before being released into/onto your Planet.


I fully get that this is merely a way of trying to interpret to us what happens. For we do not have your technology that you are using in our ‘thought waves’. Dear God, I sound quite intelligent!


This is exactly right, Blossom. So much more is involved and yet, inexpressible.


I may have asked before, yet, what kind of information?


Information that your Beings already know and yet, have not been ready /in a position to receive.


Information that makes total sense as to your next ‘moves’.


Information as to exactly what it is that you are to do next.


What? Each one of us? Just a few? What? How does it work?


It is of a majorly complex design. As these Pillars move through your skies (some visibly, some not) … they will ‘deposit’ information into the Beings who need to receive it. Different information for some, than others. It is a matter of coding … which takes us onto another ‘track’ altogether.


Lordy Lord! I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to!


The codes within each Living organism, each soul, are unique and individual and as we have discussed before, are ever changing. The codes within the Pillars and the Energies coming through from these containers are ‘matched’ and change correspondingly to ‘fall into place’ with its ‘Twin Energy’ as it moves through.

