Anonymous ID: 45926a Aug. 23, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.2715038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4441 >>4801


I have dreamt of Angels, I have dreamt of demons, I have dreamt of Jesus, and even have dreamt of satan. None of these dreams ever given me fear (I have fear of GOD, but this isn't the same fear, as when one encounters evil).

Last night, I had a dream, that caused my heart to race so badly, that I woke with my chest pounding so strongly, I thought I was having a heart attack.

In this dream, I was in a very old house or building, with my spouse. We were staying the night at this place. After he laid down to go to sleep, I decided to go downstairs, and turn off some lights in the house (the lights were all on in this place). So I headed down an old staircase. I saw something on the way down, but I can't remember what it was.

I got downstairs, I started flipping off light switches. I went into this one, very large room, I turned off a switch on the wall, and I saw 2 lamps that were still on in the corner of the room. I contemplated if I should turn the switch on the wall back on, and then turn off the lamps, so that I wouldn't be in complete darkness in the room. I decided that I would leave the overhead light off, and turn the lamps off (even though the room we be dark if I did this) and that I would just hurry out of the darkness of the room.

I walked over to the lamps, and turned the switches off on each lamp. But neither lamp would turn off. I thought this was strange, but I thought since they were old, maybe the switches were broken. So I unplugged each lamp from the wall outlet. But the lamps still did not turn off, both lamps were still giving their light. So I followed the cords to the lamps, to be sure that I unplugged the correct cords from the wall outlets, and I realized, that the lamps were working, with no power. This sort of freaked me out, so I started heading out of this room. As I was walking towards the door (it was a large room so it was a was a long walk to the door leading out) I heard someone whisper 'the lights will never go out.' Right after I heard this, a woman appeared in front of me, she was dressed in a white nurse's uniform from old times. She was pushing a metal cart. As I walked towards her (trying to get to the door that lead out of the room) I could feel the evil coming from her. I knew she was a demon. I tried to speak, but my speech was slurred so badly, I could barely get out these words 'Jesus Christ is LORD'. As soon as I said this, I woke up.


When I woke from the dream, my heart was pounding. I've never felt my heart pound in such a way. It took several minutes for my heart to go back to it's normal beat. This truly freaked me out. It was as though I was having a heart attack or some sort of heart issue.
