check out Jonathan Kleck on u tube
his revelation is that our spirit of God (energy) is being used to create a new race of beings. that duality (good/evil) is each of us: God's seed and Satan seed, unless we get converted the "snake"/reptile us, kills the "sheep" us and our energy feeds the creation of a new being. the physical body, is a host body system created within the Garden of Eden. Eve had sex with satan (not an apple—don't know anyone that has LUSTED after fruit in the produce aisle), then she had sex with Adam.
seed of the serpent with :"man", seed of God in man with "man".
BLOODLINES Q refers to are the Cain line and the Seth line (since Abel was killed prior to procreating).
also, the Nephilim and other children of the Angels mixed with daughters of man, were NOT killed by the Flood. they were bound to the earth. they are EVIL, called demons. can inhabit persons. they are CANNIBALISTIC, powerful, have advanced knowledge, and cannot be killed. The HOST body can be killed, and then they MOVE ON to someone else.
Egyptian hieroglyphs of Ankenahtn have interesting images within them suggesting this too.
recurring theme throughout history
DEAD SHEEP= children of GOD
lizards/serpents/LOCUSTs= children of CAIN/Satan