Anonymous ID: 5589a2 Oct. 7, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.3387236   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It would appear that your 'education' parallels mine, for the most part. It seems mighty simple, but if we ( human beings (or is that humans BECOMING?)) started being more kind and considerate to others the negative vibes would begin to vanish, and that, brothers and sisters, would break the iron grip these aholes have had on us for many centuries.


There is a tipping point, a point where there are so much good vibes emanating from the human spirit that the negative vibes are effectively canceled out. I believe this is where Q is hinting that our efforts should be directed. We still need physical evidence of (((their))) earthly crimes, and that work is important. But in the end this fight is more spiritual than physical. There will likely be no physical war. Once the mechanisms that is used to squelch our spirituality is defeated, emotions and thoughts that have been suppressed for so long will overwhelm us, at first.


The problem? Getting everyone to a place where their daily emotions are on a higher plane. This is where most of us come in. If you don't know how to meditate, find out how and practice. Daily, by the hour, however much time you have to devote to meditation. I believe this is how the 'war' will be won against these powerful forces. I was told by a friend of mine, who died last month at 71, that an empty mind is the devils playground. He was quite religious. I had a flash of intuition right there. Sounds like something the devil would say! And this guy was a Jehovah's Witness! For almost 50 years.


Most of us, at least those who have sought out our spiritual inner self for so many years won't have aa difficult time with the changes, BIG CHANGES as others, but unless you're a hard core religious person, stuck on your beliefs at all costs, the transition won't be too difficult. Personaly I've been waiting for this time all my life. I knew it when I was about 8 years old. I had an epiphany of epic portions! I <i>knew</iI'd been here before. First thing I wanted to know was where I'd been prior to this life when that small still voice I've been so good at ignoring for much of my life said, "thats not important."


That experience is as vivid in my recollectin today as it was 10 minutes after the experience. I spent much of my life, and lots of hours in libraries over the years searching for,,, what? I kept looking, and finally found it within. It was a long trek but well worth the effort. It took me from 7th Day Adventists to Jehovah's Witnesses to Buddhism to Rosicrucians (AMORC), to meditation, to Q! What a long strange trip its been!


For a time, while I was first becoming familiar with Q, and 8ch, and (re)learning to meditate, just before going to bed, I was being psychically assaulted almost nightly with ghastly ideas and thoughts, from where I don't know, I'm just happy to be done with those weird and nasty thoughts. The mental assaults have halted, and my thinking is as clear as I've enjoyed for many years, thank God! It may seem strange to many of you, but as I mentally buffered my mind & soul I kept saying "you cannot enter", and I kept seeing the scene in the Lord of The Rings where Gandalf tells the Balrog "you shall not pass". Seems that these entities that want to enter and possess another being has to be given permission. Keep that in mind, anons.


It is a strange world we live in, and we've been snookered into helping create it, as strange as that seems. We have been given the opportunity to dismantle the bad stuff, and the time has come. This is a war of the mind/spirit more than physical, but there is need for warriors in both realms. Gird your soul, let God surround and protect you. There is nothing to fear! As you will see.