Source: I have 30 years studying this stuff and right now it's all coming together. I had many pieces that did not seem related enough (for me), and now I have the "glue" to put all the pieces into a cohesive picture.
>Theory 1: I have come across this idea while researching the Secret Space Program(s).
>Something that continually comes up from alleged insiders is that there are negative ET’s (Draco Reptilians, specifically) who live off of the energy of human suffering, called “Loosh.”
What do you mean? The reptilians are called "Loosh"? Or the energy is called "loosh"? The energy goes by many names: Chi, the energy from the chakras, universal energy, etc.
>The Cabal, while being Luciferians, literally serve these Reptilians and they are the primary dark force which the Cabal courts.
True. Some of the reptilians live in the 4th frequency, some are in our 3rd frequency. The Cabal serves the reptilians and in turn the Cabal members get what they want: money, power, sex, or whatever. Both high-tech and spirtitual (psychic) means are used to control the Cabal and influence their opponents. Organized religion is the #1 tool the reptilians used to misinform the populace by trying to limit what they can learn, however, even religion still has bits of the truth, but most of it is disguised as metaphor, hidden there by the good guys.
> According to this info, the Rothschilds are the top Cabal family and are served by others. The Rothschilds, in turn, are serving primarily these Draco. Earth is a Loosh farm, essentially. Without the energy of human suffering that the Cabal creates, these Draco would die or have to leave and find another solar system to bully.
Somewhat true. The reptilians love the negative energy, it's like a drug to them. And they might be so addicted that they might indeed have their physical or spirits die if they don't get enough. "Addicted" may not be the right word. Their whole body and spirit is organized to use negative energy.