Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.3006832   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FROM my earlier post about Jews, the basis for the madness in the Old Testament (Do as we say, do not create ICONS OF US, kill the people of Canaan and take their posessions, listen to us and you will thrive above all others)


As >2970000 I wrote…:


This might become unpopular but it is my belief that the Old Testament was a bunch of ferral Jews being used by the CHITAULI or CHITAURI (Aliens known as the Annunaki race that controlled earth for thousands of years) and they are the root of the bloodlines and Illuminati culture (Reptilian blood ritual, Elongated Rhesus Minus skulls, Death Cult, Third Eye of Chitauri, how they genetically enslaved us and removed our thelepathic abilities, Rape and Sex cult comes from them according to Shamans around the world, Pornography is also based on the worship of these Reptile false gods or Archons)


That is why the Abraham, Moses constantly defy their "Gods" and they argue like shitfaces. The only reason would be that he and a "false God that does not want to be seen" are into a complot and not a godly endeavour. Any of you ever think of this?


If the "real source" of it all was guiding you…. Silence and warmth will submerge you in a deep state of calmness and I believe a tremendous feeling of certainty and peace will put us in trance.


I also believe the barbaric and retarded things of the OT are proof that this theory of mine is not far fetched. The voice speaks out of the dark. God telling Moses and others that they "did not saw its form", to "not make any female or male representation of him/her God" (Deutoromy).


This to me is absolutely shocking and what ancient mysteries reveal may confirm again that these Gods or God is simply a "race of reptiles" who influenced earth for thousands of years.


I know it sounds nuts but the "source of creation" our True God, was definitelly NOT the God that guided the Jews out of Egypt.


That voice, that voice was an early example of MK Ultra possibly made by a Prince or Commander of the CHITAURI who took possession of the Jews and guided his tribe of 12 out of Egypt.


Why would God encourage the destruction among its creation. Makes no sense and absolutely DOES NOT follow Natural Law. Natural Law is the Law of the Universe and the only Law of God to my understanding.


I believe we may in the years to come find out more and more details into what the Jews, Christ, Chitauri, etc are. True religion is coming back but its form is impossible to explain to those that have not felt it within. Christ is "always" ascending…


Regardless, I have faith in the supreme Lord. Natural Law corrects everything. We might be heading into that correction.


Many say we are entering the "Era of Aquarius" where Prosperity comes. Vedics are saying that the Era of Sex under Scorpio is over and that we are now entering The Era of Truth under the influence of Saggitarius.


We will see. I am very happy that many of you mentionned these details above as it confirms that a few are paying attention.


I am also happy many of you said it is a bunch of lies alltogether. At least everybody gets to post. Unlike the true Nazis of Reddit!


Q said if you knew the whole truth, then most on Earth could not handle it. What if you are the SUB slave of a crossbread of reptilian alien mixed with modified human race female (Post Adamic era where men was divided and neutralized genetically into men and woman)? What if their temple in Jerusalem is simply a "sacrifice temple" or "altar" for their Reptilian ancesters to come back and take possession of their Earth?


What if Q could confirm that Rhesus Minus (negatif) is not from earth and is an abnomaly among Earth blood types.


What if Q could confirm all of this? Would you believe it? What if the Ark of The Covenant was simply an Alien communication device the entire time and this is why the Thule Society directed by the "Bloodlines" was simple attempting to recover their device to contact their Gods.


Good day kids.

Ps : Credo Mutwa (SA), Alhalaram Beqqi (Egypt), Santaya (Peru), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (India), LesEretikes (France), and Jesus Christ.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3006975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is real because if you follow THE STORIES of ancient Mysteries, the words of simple men like Shamans (met many all over multiple continents) well they all say the same.


We have been visited, we were even guided and at times CONTROLLED BY. The issue is that humans according to "our leaders" were not prepared enough to deal with the fact that we may be slaves to certain 7 foot 3 eyed reptiles that preceded us on earth…


This can be taken as a joke but if you read Deurotomy especially, if you understand why The New Testament was placed after the Old (think Great Awakening of that time), if you can connect the symbols then you are in for a big show (the vatican does not worship the stars and snakes by mistake).


Most of us and you are and have been in utter refusal. The funny thing is that we refuse to believe because we were, you were trying to sound rational.


Since reality (our senses) did not show us they were here fully we did not believe.


Time to change that mindset and the more you open up, the more connections you will make.


Pro tip: Credo Mutwa always said that the Reptilian Gods (Annunaki, Archons, Chitauri, Los Angeles del Cielo, Les Demi Dieux, whatever you call them) had a 3rd eye.


Our third eye is hidden and we can open it by practicing meditation and by developping our brain. The reptilian gods are said to have their third eye in their forehead… a symbol you know about? All seeing eye? Are they watching over us maybe?


We are entering the Cosmic era of Saggitarius.

TRUTH will be known. Let's be part of history Anons!

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3007047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083


You are getting it. So i will tell you. Life is sad, lonely, and you are the slave to a race of humans that interbred with reptilian aliens who control our world and possibly space.


Your connection with god and yourself has been genetically modified and broken and now you are basically what NEO is inside the Matrix. Basically a piece Goyim. CATTLE!


Next… your only escape is trying to awake your 7 vibrationnal chackras to reconnect with human conscioussness and escape the Matrix by aligning yourself with your own race of Earthlings of Rhesus +. There. I told you. Good luck bro.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.3007135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7293


No it is not. The Reptilian reality actually defines your present and Future. The infamous "third eye" or all seeing eye is a features not known to man. Our third eye is hidden and by the rising of the oil of Christ (given to us by the real Creator or God) we are able to see with our eyes close.


Reptilians on the other side. As confirmed by all ancients Shamans, Gurus, Priests, Chaplains, Mysteries have a true Third Eye that is these days printed in your dollar bills.


What you do not understand is that from the Nazis (Thule society seeking contact, research of the lost Ark, etc), all leads to them.


While AI is a moderm problem, while cloning and genetical engineering is real (btw according to the ancients the God did modified us and split us in 2. As their image, or like them… they created female and man… because we were hermaphrodites and thelepathic. No need of third eye) you need to expand your thinking and understand a wider history of humankind.


Our real history is there for you to grasp but we fail because we are missing the connections. Q is here to help and if you take my tips above and go back into review you will soon find yourself at home, one of these days, litterally terrified by the Truth.


Best of luck.


Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3007190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083


Hi sir. Who do you think Moses was talking to in the mountains? Who do you think the Gods or God in the Old and Ancient Testament are? Who do you think the Catholic church or the word is truly worshipping?


Is it that difficult for sll of you to FINALLY start undetstanding true Earth History.


Credo Mutwa. Go study. Watch the interview David Icke did and you will immediately understand why the 3rd temple of Salomon is in fact a project to build a sacrifice altar to the reptilian Gods.


It has nothing to do with NATURAL LAW, wich is the true religion of our creator. Once some of you differentiate the true God our creator and these Creatures (also created by our God) who pretend to be our Gods then we will be able to communicate peacefully on earth.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.3007226   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You definitelly meditate don't you. Impressions on Credo Mutwa, Old Testament / Jews and reptilian entities? Are we both on the same page?

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.3007278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sir. The third eye is very connected to 2 mysteries.


The first one is that we humans have a third eye. We awake it by practice and it is a thelepathic eye nourished by DMT, Melatonine and additional oil (what we call the rising oil of Christ) that allows human beings to see with eyes closed.


The eye the Cabal, Illuminati, Jesuits, Satanics worship is the eye of the beast… The beast is the race of Reptiles that genetically modified us to look like them thousands of years ago and that actually bare a true THIRD EYE placed at the center of of their foreheads. That eye is closed but opens at times.


As you saw in my inititiation that I just gave you because you requested to be illimined, i gave you the key to your deliverance and showed you the key of your enslavement.


Your freedom and enslavement are both connected to the THIRD EYE. As Q says. It is all connected.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.3007439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083


Their "religion" is absolutely in tune. The sex rituals, blood rituals, their specific procreation rules, their pseudo self righteousness…. all of it is connected to the fact that they are the decendants of the Old Testaments Gods or the race of Aliens that destroyed and enslaved Gaia overtime and over thousands of years.


Christians and Jews who are not yet aware of their presence in the Old Testament cannot comprehend what the New Testament is.


The New Testament is a message from the OLD ANONS to us the new Anons of time. The massage warns us that the Archons and or these creatures ruled Earth for centuries. That they guided the Jews out of Egypt and that their true religion is in blood, sacrifice, sex (Isis and Osiris is a thale of a Reptilian King who was confronted by a man who cut his Penis), and violence…


The confusion on Earth is gigantic because all factions, all actors operated so far in the dark.


Times are changing. You need to prepare yourself for their return, or for their desmise. It is said "TRUE ANGELS" are watching upon us.


Best of luck and please read all my words with tact and connect the dots.


They Live, was a documentary.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.3007508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


IT IS relevant because the skin of Reptilian Gods (gods of the old testament and a race of aggressive Earth born Aliens who claim Earth as theirs) whore gold in order to protect themselves from the sun while on Earth. They would wear large masks like the Egyptian Pharaos to protect their eyes and faces to be seen…


The New Testament was a "Shitpost" dedicated to us by old Anons in order to protect the knoledge from their ennemies (Cabal) and to allow us (Newfag Anons) to carry the work to free earth from reptilian influence and from their embassadors ( Sabbatean Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, Bloodlines, Zionist Christians, other confused Goyim).


This… was an initiation into the true Church of God.

For those who truly understand.


Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3007678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8083


YES and no… what you forgot to mention and what many forget to mention. What most of the folks online are confused about is that there is NO SOUL TRAP.


The reincarnation process is part of NATURAL LAW or part of what God and Source has intended for us…


What is not part of the plan is that we ARE NOT a true creation of natural law but a CREATURE created by Reptilian Gods thousands of years ago.


When we were GODLY creatures we were one with Gaia (Earth) and we were intune with the Creator, its laws, its creatures…


These Reptilians false Gods came along and genetically modified us to ressemble them. Out of ONE they created man and woman. They split us into 2 and therefore broke our true DNA. THE DNA given to us by natural law and by nature (God).


If you read slowly and take a moment to truly understand what this means you might have a severe trauma or a hard epiphanic spell.


This is an initiation to the mysteries.

Instead of being part of God's life and in connection with our true nature, we have been manipulated to lose our connection to God and Nature over every each of our reincarnations.


The only way to become like Christ and reconnect with our creator and escape frim the Reptilian crime is :


  • To either exterminate humankind for our souls to reincarnate somewhere else…


  • Develop again our brains to re establish brain oil levels and develop our thelepathic abilities in order to establish peace, happiness and Truth (God never wanted us to suffer… remember hearring that somewhere?)…


  • Hope an allience of beings (Obediant to God and the principles of Cosmic and Natural Law) come to our rescue.



Now. I know. It is insane. If I am wrong about the alternatives

And about our status then I simply say it : I and we live in absolute desolation and not even death is a good escape.

I mean this. Look around you. You know the world is upside down.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.3007767   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ola Amigo. Por favor andate a las montanas por ahi… busca a esa gente tribal que se esconde por ahi. Y preguntales porque la sangre, porque los ninos, y preguntales porque los dioses vienen de las nubes o de donde vienen?


Los dioses tenian 3 ojos y se cubrian el cuerpo de oro…

A ver si podes encontrar este gran mysterio la proxima ves que salis de Lima…. ;-)


Un abrazo de la parte de DesertPriestAnon.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3007819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WELL… yes and no… music for a long time tuned at a "NATURAL" God given frequency of around 432… these days go research where our midern music tunes in and how most musicians ignore the truth. Nazis were among the Culture / Country that pushed for a detachment or let down of tuning at 432….


We as beings of light and vibration (word of god) used to be in tune but these creatures are slowly changing our reality to be "out of phase" and our music / life is today in dishonance.


Not fully a shill but his shillness allowed me to present certain interesting facts about our music being untuned by bad actors or ignorant people.


Pythogoras was among the initiates and he understood the "NATURAL LAWS".

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3007886   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bro how about you stop talking in a condecending Reptilian way (Old Testament) and stop calling Anons CIA shills and tell us Truths, Tips, or anything relevant.


I have no idea what you here for but you are for sure fucking good at annoyance. Degage esprit Sadique des Reptiles futiles!

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3007960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


YOU ARE DEAD ON but ypu also missed the Biblical part were we humans used to be genetically different. We were tuned and changed by these false Gods and our DNA is not an abnomaly. We lost oir Thelepathic and natural ways as well as our connection to what some call "the ocean of life", or the Akashic records.


How do you think Tesla, the guy who built Coral Castle in Florida, how channeling and other folks do what they do.


They Thelepathic sensors are reopening or being opened. The knowledge of Everything is there for "true god beings" to use but our capacity to connect was disrupted by the said Chitauri.


Think about what this means. That we are either going to be freed or that we are going into full destruction (we are NOT creatures of God, Natural law… we are Monsters and slave projects of the false Gods).


I do not know all the Truth. I was only able to connect this much. I have for a long time attempted to reconnect but the process is obscure and not all humans may be even able to do so).

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3008059   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look at my other replies but you are dead on. They are NOT like us because they are GENETICALLY different. They are the inbred race that was put in motion by false reptilian gods.


They split us into Men and Woman to ressemble them (instead of us, as one beings with both sexes, Biblical) and we were used as slaves and our woman as sex slaves and breeders….


Please tell me you guys have seen the hundreds of novellas or cheap books "promoted on Amazon" that push reptile to woman sex… far fetched??? Yeah maybe, no not really they are litterally pointing at our past.


Illuminati faction are anti Christian (anti old Anons >>John, Jesus Christ, Mary, etc all were Anons) because they want to kill all of us and get the planet for themselves as a place for their Masters to return to.


Think for a minute and connect "this mystery" (initiation) to what you already know.


Yup… I know. It is sinking now.

Amen. Old, present, and future Anons together.

We are legion… we stand behind Christ the biggest Anon there ever was.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.3008116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Natural law being described…. my issue is where is Da Vincis works of pre adamic revelation. Yup there is none.


I think we are about to GET ALL OF THE REVELATIONS.

I do hope we are freed. It is time. Weather it ends in ultimate death with no reincarnation or next to our true creator.

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.3008195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8293


Oh shit here we go. Mjolnir is the term some weird leftist websites are using to describe or counterfuck theawakening.


One of the guys behind that is the portal2012 on blogspot.


I have no clue what your sir are trying to say or emulate but this again looks to me like you do not need to speak in a grandiose a la Q way bc you are not trying to protect yourself from government gags…


I think you need to stop mate (you are Brittish aren't you) and if you have truth, interesting things to say…. just fucking say it. Quit being an Old Testament fag…

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.3008254   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What the book means by fallen angels is :

Creatures made by God, in Natural law, that come to us and changed ou DNA to ressemble their form (male and females) because we were unlike them.


Basically DNA splitting Draco Reptilians that the ancirnt book of Anons describe as "fallen angels"

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.3008319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here we go…. the answer. According to ancient initiation we were always one. Men and woman was a creation of the false Alien gods and not God. God known as Nature and known as the "perfect" creator.


Woman synch because we use to be in absolute synch with the universe and with nature.


To go further, we are creatures (demons technically) we are errors made by arrogant creatures who seek to control and made the first and biggest sin… to change beings created by God to their liking…


God luck.


Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.3008345   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bio is spiritual… unfortunatelly the times we live in split the two because many minds are confused.


Bio is technically the highest spiritual thing possible. It is contemplating the perfection of Creation within universal natural laws…. isn't it?

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.3008373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This comment is exellent. One day, I decided to stop restraining myself… after that day, my mind expanded and now I am free. Free from their limitations and lies.


Open. Open more or at least keep things in a box called WHY NOT?

Anonymous ID: b7b525 Sept. 13, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.3008422   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can stand behind this… but what do you mean by our position is not common. Why not telling them. Finally, after all. It is time. Say it. Tell the Truth.