FROM my earlier post about Jews, the basis for the madness in the Old Testament (Do as we say, do not create ICONS OF US, kill the people of Canaan and take their posessions, listen to us and you will thrive above all others)
As >2970000 I wrote…:
This might become unpopular but it is my belief that the Old Testament was a bunch of ferral Jews being used by the CHITAULI or CHITAURI (Aliens known as the Annunaki race that controlled earth for thousands of years) and they are the root of the bloodlines and Illuminati culture (Reptilian blood ritual, Elongated Rhesus Minus skulls, Death Cult, Third Eye of Chitauri, how they genetically enslaved us and removed our thelepathic abilities, Rape and Sex cult comes from them according to Shamans around the world, Pornography is also based on the worship of these Reptile false gods or Archons)
That is why the Abraham, Moses constantly defy their "Gods" and they argue like shitfaces. The only reason would be that he and a "false God that does not want to be seen" are into a complot and not a godly endeavour. Any of you ever think of this?
If the "real source" of it all was guiding you…. Silence and warmth will submerge you in a deep state of calmness and I believe a tremendous feeling of certainty and peace will put us in trance.
I also believe the barbaric and retarded things of the OT are proof that this theory of mine is not far fetched. The voice speaks out of the dark. God telling Moses and others that they "did not saw its form", to "not make any female or male representation of him/her God" (Deutoromy).
This to me is absolutely shocking and what ancient mysteries reveal may confirm again that these Gods or God is simply a "race of reptiles" who influenced earth for thousands of years.
I know it sounds nuts but the "source of creation" our True God, was definitelly NOT the God that guided the Jews out of Egypt.
That voice, that voice was an early example of MK Ultra possibly made by a Prince or Commander of the CHITAURI who took possession of the Jews and guided his tribe of 12 out of Egypt.
Why would God encourage the destruction among its creation. Makes no sense and absolutely DOES NOT follow Natural Law. Natural Law is the Law of the Universe and the only Law of God to my understanding.
I believe we may in the years to come find out more and more details into what the Jews, Christ, Chitauri, etc are. True religion is coming back but its form is impossible to explain to those that have not felt it within. Christ is "always" ascending…
Regardless, I have faith in the supreme Lord. Natural Law corrects everything. We might be heading into that correction.
Many say we are entering the "Era of Aquarius" where Prosperity comes. Vedics are saying that the Era of Sex under Scorpio is over and that we are now entering The Era of Truth under the influence of Saggitarius.
We will see. I am very happy that many of you mentionned these details above as it confirms that a few are paying attention.
I am also happy many of you said it is a bunch of lies alltogether. At least everybody gets to post. Unlike the true Nazis of Reddit!
Q said if you knew the whole truth, then most on Earth could not handle it. What if you are the SUB slave of a crossbread of reptilian alien mixed with modified human race female (Post Adamic era where men was divided and neutralized genetically into men and woman)? What if their temple in Jerusalem is simply a "sacrifice temple" or "altar" for their Reptilian ancesters to come back and take possession of their Earth?
What if Q could confirm that Rhesus Minus (negatif) is not from earth and is an abnomaly among Earth blood types.
What if Q could confirm all of this? Would you believe it? What if the Ark of The Covenant was simply an Alien communication device the entire time and this is why the Thule Society directed by the "Bloodlines" was simple attempting to recover their device to contact their Gods.
Good day kids.
Ps : Credo Mutwa (SA), Alhalaram Beqqi (Egypt), Santaya (Peru), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (India), LesEretikes (France), and Jesus Christ.