Anonymous ID: c02c69 Oct. 24, 2018, 3:39 a.m. No.3583152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Life exists elsewhere to Earth, on other physical worlds and in non-physical domains. Life evolves independently in various places and domains, while also cross seedings occur. On Earth life has evolved to sentience numerous times.

On another world in our solar system known as Tiamat a catastrophe destroyed this world and left the Kepler asteroid belt in it's wake. Tiamat was inhabited by an advanced, space-faring race of humans that were allegedly 70 feet tall. Not all of these people were killed, as they had off world colonies.

Survivors of this catastrophe on Tiamat eventually migrated to a surviving portion of this annihilated world known as “Mars”. In harmony with a smaller world these people over successive generations changed to a size closer to 12 feet.

Mars civilization advanced until a time of approximately 500,000 years prior to 2018AD. At this point it seems an attacking force annihilated the Martian world, leaving it the most radioactive planet in the solar system. Survivors of Mars crash-landed in an unfrozen Antarctica.

In Antarctica the survivors built up a civilization. These humanoids were pale skinned, 12-14 feet tall, had blue and green eyes, red, blond and brunette curly hair and beards as well as elongated skulls. Freckles seem a likely trait as well.

Developing humanoids on Earth were of a skin color much darker and in the fossil record seem to be related to homo erectus. At this time native Earth humans were not intelligent enough to have culture.

Eventually this civilization did not last either.


Originating from Orion, the star Venus arrived as a comet and deposited it's ice tail over Earth, while also affecting Earth's precession. At this point Earth experienced cataclysmic seismic activity while the magnetic poles shifted locales. Antarctica was flash frozen while North Africa began to thaw.

Again, only survivors of this lived to begin the civilization of Atlantis.


Approx 12,500 years prior to 2018 Atlantis was destroyed by either war or cataclysm and the survivors went into the North Africa/Asia Minor region where they used their own DNA in combination with Homo-Erectus to create “The Adam” or “The Adamic Race”.

These beings were Neanderthals and were intended to serve beneath the “Elder race” or “Pre Adamites”. As such, Neanderthals were intentionally stifled so as to live not nearly as long as the Elders and to have much less mental ability.

The place where these genetic creations were happening was called “Eden”. Within Eden, one of the Elders, known to some as Enki or “The Serpent” had intercourse with a female Neanderthal, Eve, and had offspring (Cain and Abel). These offspring did not have elongated skulls but were a further hybridization of Elder/Neanderthal. As such they may be the first “Red haired” humans.

Adam and Eve also had “Pure neanderthal” offspring.

Much conflict resulted from differences in philosophy of the Elders over breeding, maintaining genetics/bloodlines. Many wanted to maintain genetic “superiority” because they enjoyed the benefits of the inequality.

Wars ensued, much culture and information was lost, further periodic global cataclysms compounded the destruction and dissolution of ethno-cultures.

Today's humans are all hybridizations of these ancient influences, having taken an incredibly convoluted journey to get here.

Rh- individuals are carriers of certain genes brought here by the Elders and shared through sexual procreation, while most humans are recipients in some way of their genetic tampering.

The Illuminati is, for the most part, Rh- “Elder descended” hybrids who wage war with each other over the continued pursuit of enslaving the Earth.