My 17 yr. old daughter told me about a dream that she had a few days ago.
In the dream, she was in a public restroom. The restroom was very nice, with tile everywhere, even the toilets were made of tile.
My 7 year old daughter was there and my 17 yr. old asked her why she was there. The 7 yr. old couldn't answer.
The next thing that happened was, a snake came out of a vent in the ceiling, and landed on the floor. The snake slithered over to the two girls, and acknowledged my 7 yr old daughter, and then shed its skin, and slithered away.
My 17 yr. old looked at my 7 yr old, and saw that she had handcuffs, very heavy, chain like handcuffs, 3 of them, attached to her arm.
At that moment, I walked into the room. My 17 yr. old daughter said to me 'mom, she's been making deals with the devil'. I answered her by saying 'ah no, no no no, he's not doing this' and I walked over to my 7 year old, touched each chain/handcuff, when I touched each chain/handcuff, each one fell off of my daughter's arm.