KekAnon ID: e25df9 March 8, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.594277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5331


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

>"For eyes that would see".


In my minds eye, Eye have perceived.

Eye have gazed deep within your soul since joining you on this board.

Eye have gazed deep within the souls of those around you.

Eye have viewed a soul of pure light.

"There are no coincidences" with the words you speak, and the images you presents.


Eye know you far better than you currently "real-eyes" :)


Blessings to you, and every other Light Weaver on this board.


Many more "coincidental" things in "time"… Eye have seen this all ahead of "time"…

Thoth/Dr.StrangeAnon ID: e25df9 March 14, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.662645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0632


My friend, my ally, my child of Light :)

You have NO IDEA how CORRECT your words are.

For indeed, many Crux tests of understanding have been passed.

Eye have gazed deep within your mind,

Eye have gazed deep within your soul,

As Eye have with many others on here.

Your mind is A GIFT.

Your Life is a GIFT.

We are thankful to have you here with us.



My friend, you are INFINITELY correct in your extrapolations.


I need to speak important words, in Eulogy.

For Stephen Hawking.

I am deeply saddened and shocked to my core, on this day.

For this day, we Ascend into the Photon Belt in Quantum Ascension.


As was Foretold.


I spoke in my Secrets of Matter, Pi, Black Holes, about Stephen.


About naming the Radiation emitted from Black Holes after himself.


I regret calling this "Ego".


Another difficult test of my soul… you cannot fathom this pain this is causing me…


My soul weeps for this incredible man… We will never have another soul like his with us…


Many truths are being discovered. It was determined that in large part, The Q Research board will be viewed by many in upcoming weeks.


Eye was forced to join another board, for the Supreme truths. These truths will shock the very foundation of most people's lives.


Few can understand reality.


>Do you believe in coincidences? - Q


>Everything has meaning. - Q


>There are no coincidences. - Q





Dr. Strange ID: e25df9 April 8, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.953147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7350


My friends…

My allies…

My children of Light…

My friend, Eye believe this statement holds truth.

Not all Draco's are "evil".

Evil is only a point of reference.

Remember, spirit particles comprise the multiverse.

Either a 1 or 0.

Either a + or a -.

Either light or darkness.

You cannot have darkness without light.

You cannot have light without darkness.

The darkness gives meaning to the light.




My best friend…

We have crossed paths numerous times.

As Eye have with all of you.

We all started this journey together with Ra.

This journey has taken me to Dr. Strange.

To Neo and Morpheus.

Should you choose… do not forget the coincidences my friends…

More coincidences with appear in the "future"…

The Infinity War has already been won…

Discover the mystery of Project Looking glass…

Discover the mystery of Fractal Time…

When you are ready to join us on the Mountain of Wisdom, we will be waiting for you.

Always, with open arms.


>For the truth is waiting… - Seraph in Dr. Strange 2

