Could be Archons, a.k.a. demons. They sound very much like Reptilians except they don't have physical bodies. Even David Icke is moving in this direction.
"Rofschild" said in his karmic disclosure that the Rothschilds believe in Archons. And loosh. It accumulates up the food chain. However, he claimed not to serve the Archons (I think this is BS, and if it's true, it's only because the Rothschilds want the loosh for themselves).
I too have heard the conspiracy theory that the Rothschilds are just being used as cutouts by something much worse.
I have a sneaking suspicion that these entities- whatever they are- have been selectively breeding the human puppetmasters for ease of possession. Since they lack bodies, there is little they can do on Earth but if they can use the puppetmasters as "gloves in the glove box" then they can pretty much run this place… indeed they seem to have been doing so since the dawn of civilization. Our entire civilization might be nothing more than a giant loosh farm. Fits with The Matrix.
BTW a subtle point from that disclosure was that the Rothschilds seem to believe in the power of mass visualization rituals but since they lack the numbers to do the rituals themselves, they brainwash us into doing their visualization rituals for them! Hence why they try so hard to manufacture consent for everything they do. It's not just about enslaving everyone on a karmic technicality (though there is a strong element of that). It's that if we see through their BS, the spell is broken!