FIMFiction.net faggot.
Die, efag!
FIMFiction.net faggot.
Die, efag!
I vote for inner-space.
>All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.
Those that went, literally, underground during the last cycle were the breakaway ciz.
During the build up to the next cycle, they 'evolve' via their last cycle tech.
When it's time to start a new cycle, they come out of their hiding.
Much fuckery ensues.
I fail to see how religion plays into being a moran and standing on known heavily used train tracks.
> ac9389
> fa3fce
Two larping homos now?
DIE, efags!
I know it's a crappy pic, but this was over my house a few weeks ago.
Stayed there for about an hour.
Another appeared and 'joined' with this one then they disappeared.
I've also seen drones and Cessnas flying grids these pasts months.
It can cut both ways, really.
Either I'm being looked after or looked at.
I'm aware.
Most don't.
We've got cell phones instead.
Sorry, but I'm much too busy keeping food on the table and the property owner slave taxes paid to invest $2k+ in a decent camera to take pics of strange shit I see in the sky.