Anonymous ID: 0a324a Oct. 19, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.3532105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2442 >>2500

>>3531986 LB


So it's two fold. Priests can't get married. They are highly aware of this when they commit to the church. Then they go to Seminary where they are exposed to Older priests who train them. So …It's all men with no pussy. If you let them get married, remove celibacy and get a good taste of Punani then it will reduce…only reduce.. the amount of Pedo. Unfortunately Pedo exists everywhere, but if you have an environment that cultivates it, you need to change the environment. And Yes the church appear to be a safe haven, because in order to correct it, the church would have to allow marriage (including same Sex marriage), and I don't see that happeningfor decades.

Anonymous ID: 0a324a Oct. 19, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.3532558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I get it. Howevers we are in modern times


Urban Dictionary = pedo

An abrieviation for the word paedophile. An adult or adolescent who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children.


If you want to get in that deep. PEDO in Spanish

this word has many meanings:


1- the spanish word of fart


2- spanish word that means when someone is drunk or drunk as hell


3- spanish word that is often use to salute someone


4- spanish word that means problem

1- "¿Quien se echo un pedo?" = "who have just farted?"


2-"Ese wey se puso bien pedo." = "That dude is drunk as hell"


3-"¿Que pedo?" = "Whats up?"


4- "Tengo un pedo con un cabron" = "I have a problem with a dude"


The meme was created from the Deadpool 2 line

"Best Buddies Execute Pedophiles together"


The word "PEDOS" does not exist in english,

so we have to agree that it is short for PEDOphileS.