Anonymous ID: 9d0950 Oct. 19, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.3532087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103

The centrist / undecided voters are veering to the right, thanks the insanity of the left and the left's self-inflicted wounds.

>mob behavior and false accusations surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation

>behavior of Dems in Senate and in media during the Kavanaugh confirmation

>open borders position

>anti-lower taxes position

>anti-law and order in general

>Elizabeth Warren's attempt to co-opt NA rights and her rebuke by Cherokee nation and people with common sense

He's holding the FISA un-redaction as an ace in the hole.

If he does it now the few people still under the spell of the (((msm))) will react to it as a dog-whistle ("See!? Drumpf messed with the midterms!")

This way he forces Mueller and what's left of Mueller's team to lay their weak cards on the table first, and win the midterms regardless.

Then, unredact as part of the pressure-play to accelerate public pressure against the mal-actors on the left (and, to be fair, also in the rino wings).

The time for unsealing the indictments approaches (likely Q1 2019).

I particularly think he will wait to post-midterms because while most bad actors in elected positions are Dems, there are also many R's as well.

Post midterms, the guilty R's will be replaced by red state governors, of which there are many.

They also need to wait for Trump to replace enough of the judiciary to impact things (it will be 20% by end of this year), because what good are trials when the judges are crooked sjw's appointed by Clinton/Bush/Obama?

Likewise, we also have to wait until the timing allows POTUS to manage the political fallout from so many elected officials being arrested, tried, and some executed - others incarcerated - for sedition and treason, among many other crimes.

It's coming.

The avenues of escape are being closed, the permutations set in place.

2019 will be a year of renewal for America unlike any we've seen in our lifetimes.

Anonymous ID: 9d0950 Oct. 19, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.3532339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2344

Everybody, keep your eyes on your local Democrats. Citizens volunteering for midterm election positions WILL try to give the Dems the upper hand. How to stop it? Try volunteering yourself to keep an eye out for suspicious election activity.